Friday, July 13, 2012

What are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are extremely thin cases that are adhered to the front of teeth to help protect or cover up teeth. They are made of porcelain to look like natural teeth and are colored to match.

There are many reasons that an individual may want or need to get porcelain veneers. Sometimes if teeth are very worn down, chipped, or slightly rotted, an individual may choose to get veneers in order to improve the look of their teeth for both personal and professional reasons. Additionally, porcelain veneers are used to cover up discolored or misaligned teeth. They can even help to close gaps between teeth. Once the veneers have been put on, they help to protect the natural teeth and prevent stains so some individuals with sensitive teeth also opt for veneers.

The process for getting porcelain veneers is fairly simple. The dentist will first examine the teeth and possibly take an x-ray to ensure that porcelain veneers are the best option. If that is the case, teeth will then be prepped by removing a thin layer of the enamel that is already present. A model of the teeth is made next through an impression and within a few days to two weeks, the veneers are ready to be applied. A bonding agent is then applied to the porcelain veneers which are placed onto the teeth. Once the placement is perfect, a light activates the bonding agent and the veneers are in place.

Veneers are a great choice to many individuals because they look like natural teeth, the exact color choice can be selected, they are stain resistant, and they do not require any specific care aside from regular oral hygiene including brushing and flossing. Another benefit is that sensitive gums do not have a negative reaction to the porcelain. Porcelain veneers generally last between five and ten years before they need to be replaced using the same process as described above. The cost of porcelain veneers varies greatly depending upon the individual but it generally ranges from a few hundred to just over a thousand dollars per tooth. Some insurance companies cover the cost of veneers.

Additional questions about porcelain veneers or the process of applying them can be answered by your local dentist. Porcelain veneers are certainly a viable option for many individuals who struggle with teeth-related problems.

Looking for a dentist in Boca Raton? Contact Reserved Dental Group, your local, experienced porcelain veneer specialist, today at 561-852-7773.

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