The dental X-ray was once a true nuisance of the medical field; they took a long time to perform and were often very difficult. Many times, it would take one entire visit to the dentist for the X-ray alone! A separate appointment was made to perform any necessary actions once the results were read and analyzed. Luckily, this technology has evolved and the process has been made much, much simpler.

With the use of
CEREC technology, images can be obtained of a person’s teeth in no time. CEREC stands for "Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic". CEREC uses 3D imaging to get an even closer look at the mouth. This technology is used to determine the best way in which a crown can be fitted to an individual tooth, making the whole process quicker and more efficient. Once this is determined, the actual forming of the new crown will often take no longer than fifteen minutes. Now appointment can now encompass the tasks of what might have taken weeks. CEREC technology is about precision: images are created with microscopic accuracy to thoroughly determine the state of teeth and also how to treat any dental problems that exist.
Ceramics are now used to create fillings after a CEREC image is taken. This ceramic material will actually expand with teeth to reduce any problems that could potentially occur with a solid filling. Old methods often resulted in cracking which could be painful and dangerous. Regardless of the ceramic’s flexibility, these fillings are very durable. Replacements are often never required because very little wear ever occurs. Ceramic fillings are sturdy, yet easy to work with. Old fillings often contained mercury and toxins that could be harmful to the body. There are no negative effects from ceramics in the mouth unlike the old materials used before CEREC technology revolutionized dentistry.
CEREC technology is a true step forward for dentistry. This new method involves safer processes and makes the experience healthier and more enjoyable. Ask about CEREC at your next regular dental visit!
Dr. Huber at Reserve Dental is committed to giving you a new crown in one day and
one visit with CEREC technology. Call today at 561-852-7773!
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