Friday, August 9, 2013

Root Canals: Not as Scary as You Think

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<h1><strong>Things To Know About Root Canals</strong></h1>
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<p><img alt="Boca Raton Root Canal" height="199" src="" title="Boca Raton Root Canal" width="300" />A root canal is something many people fear. Everyone, at one time or another has heard a horror story about root canals. A <a href=""><strong>root canal</strong></a> is a dental procedure that is done when a tooth is damaged or badly decayed. A root canal may be the only way to save the tooth. There are certain signs that will tell you that you are in need of a root canal. The main sign is a severe toothache when you chew or you clench your jaw. Having sensitivity to hot and cold foods is another sign that a root canal may be necessary. If you notice a discoloration of the tooth or swelling and tenderness in the gums, you should see a dentist. If you notice a persistent pimple on the gums or one that goes away and returns, you may need a root canal. Sometimes you may have no symptoms at all. Your dentist may pick up on it during a routine cleaning.</p>
<p>A <a href=""><strong>root canal</strong></a> is a fairly simple procedure. The nerve and pulp inside the damaged tooth are cleaned and sealed. If the tooth pulp is not removed, it can lead to serious problems. When the nerve or the pulp of the tooth is damaged, it begins to break down and bacteria begins to multiply. When this happens, an abscess can occur. An abscess is a sack filled with puss that forms at the end of the damaged tooth. If left untreated, an abscess can cause swelling that may spread to other areas other than the mouth such as the neck, face, or head. It is also possible to experience bone loss around the root.
If your dentist determines that you need a root canal, the first thing that he will do is take an x-ray. He will check to see the shape of the root canals to see if there is any infection in the bone. Although the nerve is dead and should have no feeling, the dentist will still use anesthesia in the area to put the patient at ease. The dentist will drill an access hole into the tooth. This will allow him to remove the decayed nerve tissue, the pulp and its bacteria, and any other debris on the tooth. A root canal file is used to scrape everything out. Your dentist will also use water to flush the debris from the tooth. Next, the dentist will seal up the hole. If there is any sign of infection, the dentist may have you wait a week. If it is a case of infection, he will put a medication inside the tooth to clear it up and use a temporary filling to seal it. After about a week, you will return to have the tooth permanently sealed. Once the tooth is sealed, it is very common for the dentist to put a crown over the damaged or decayed tooth. While root canals sound very scary, they are really not as bad as you think.</p>
<p><strong>Have a very bad toothache? You may need a root canal, call Reserve Dental Group at 561-852-7773 and schedule an appointment today!</strong></p>

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