<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fhow-to-keep-your-teeth-healthy&title=How%20To%20Keep%20Your%20Teeth%20Healthy"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>Your teeth and you</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Dentist" height="300" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Depositphotos_11363352_XS-300x300.jpg" title="Boca Raton Dentist" width="300" />Without question keeping our teeth healthy is one of the most important things we can do for our body. Stronger and healthier teeth allow us to eat better and properly digest our favorite foods. <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services"><strong>Yet, how do we keep our teeth healthy?</strong></a> What daily routines can we adopt to allow for healthier teeth?</p>
<p><span>Take a trip to any dentist office and one will witness some helpful tips. Floss your teeth each night. Ensure that you use the proper bristles that conform well with your teeth. If one has sensitive teeth, use toothpaste made for sensitive teeth. If you have ever had smaller children then you know to perhaps use a timer to encourage them to brush for an extended period of time.</span></p>
<p><span><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services"><strong>As our bodies age, so do our teeth.</strong></a> It is even much more important to watch the foods that we eat and the liquids we drink. Often, we inform our children to limit snacks in between meals. However, we can also help strengthen our teeth by passing on the large soft drink and drinking water or even better a glass of milk. </span></p>
<p><span>Soft drinks and sweets have the opposite effect and weaken our teeth. According to (Web MD, 2005 – 2013), “Poor food choices include candy — such as lollipops, hard candies, and mints — cookies, cakes, pies, breads, muffins, potato chips, pretzels, french fries, bananas, raisins, and other dried fruits. These foods contain large amounts of sugar and/or can stick to teeth, providing a fuel source for bacteria.” The choices we make each day from a dietary standpoint really determine the overall strength or weakness of our teeth. So; the next time you sit down to that perfect meal, enjoy it with a cold glass of milk or water. Your teeth will thank you and reward you for your healthy choices.</span></p>
<p><strong>Looking for a great dentist in the Boca Raton area? Call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 today!</strong></p>
Reserve Dental Group is your Boca Raton Dentist for both General and Cosmetic Dentistry
Friday, October 11, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
Periodontal Disease and You
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fperiodontal-disease-and-you&title=Periodontal%20Disease%20and%20You"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>How Periodontal Disease Affects You</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Dentist" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/iStock_000004494761XSmall-300x199.jpg" title="Boca Raton Dentist" width="300" /><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>Periodontal or gum disease</strong></a> can have a debilitating effect on a person’s health. It begins with gingivitis and can turn into periodontitis that can affect major organs and cause life-threatening illness.</p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>Gingivitis</strong></a> is a milder form of periodontal disease. It starts as inflammation of the gums caused by plaque and tartar remaining on the teeth. The results are swollen, red and bleeding gums. These symptoms are easily reversed by dental care.</p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>Periodontitis</strong></a> is the consequence of failure to treat gingivitis. It leads to separation of the gum from the teeth and infected pockets around the teeth. The impact of the infection is twofold. The body’s immune system combats the bacteria that develop from the plaque below the gum line. Toxins from the body’s fight against the infection cause deterioration of the bone that holds the teeth. The teeth eventually loosen and have to be removed.</p>
<p>Periodontal disease can have far-reaching effects by weakening major organs and triggering heart and lung disease, diabetes and premature birth.</p>
<p>Gum disease increases the danger of heart attacks and intensifies on-going heart conditions. Inflammation from bacteria in the mouth attaches on plaque in the arteries, clogging the arteries. It also leads to strokes. Patients who have acute cerebrovascular ischemia have a greater chance of mouth infections.</p>
<p>Chronic kidney infection is often connected to periodontal disease. Those who have no natural teeth are more inclined to kidney disease. The kidneys regulate blood pressure which if not controlled can bring about kidney failure and heart disease.</p>
<p>Diabetes patients have the likelihood of periodontal disease which can produce raised blood sugar levels and the complication of diabetes such as infection.</p>
<p>Other issues related to periodontal disease are Osteoporosis, respiratory failure and premature birth. Osteoporosis can cause the loss of bone density in the jaw. Respiratory failure occurs when the bacteria from the mouth and throat can foster lung disease such as chronic obstructive disease. Periodontitis has caused both premature births and low birth weight in babies.</p>
<p>Periodontal disease has devastating outcomes which can weaken the body’s organs and lead to deadly sickness.</p>
<p><strong>If your gums are irritating you, call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 and schedule an appointment with Dr. Huber today!</strong></p>
<h1>How Periodontal Disease Affects You</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Dentist" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/iStock_000004494761XSmall-300x199.jpg" title="Boca Raton Dentist" width="300" /><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>Periodontal or gum disease</strong></a> can have a debilitating effect on a person’s health. It begins with gingivitis and can turn into periodontitis that can affect major organs and cause life-threatening illness.</p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>Gingivitis</strong></a> is a milder form of periodontal disease. It starts as inflammation of the gums caused by plaque and tartar remaining on the teeth. The results are swollen, red and bleeding gums. These symptoms are easily reversed by dental care.</p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>Periodontitis</strong></a> is the consequence of failure to treat gingivitis. It leads to separation of the gum from the teeth and infected pockets around the teeth. The impact of the infection is twofold. The body’s immune system combats the bacteria that develop from the plaque below the gum line. Toxins from the body’s fight against the infection cause deterioration of the bone that holds the teeth. The teeth eventually loosen and have to be removed.</p>
<p>Periodontal disease can have far-reaching effects by weakening major organs and triggering heart and lung disease, diabetes and premature birth.</p>
<p>Gum disease increases the danger of heart attacks and intensifies on-going heart conditions. Inflammation from bacteria in the mouth attaches on plaque in the arteries, clogging the arteries. It also leads to strokes. Patients who have acute cerebrovascular ischemia have a greater chance of mouth infections.</p>
<p>Chronic kidney infection is often connected to periodontal disease. Those who have no natural teeth are more inclined to kidney disease. The kidneys regulate blood pressure which if not controlled can bring about kidney failure and heart disease.</p>
<p>Diabetes patients have the likelihood of periodontal disease which can produce raised blood sugar levels and the complication of diabetes such as infection.</p>
<p>Other issues related to periodontal disease are Osteoporosis, respiratory failure and premature birth. Osteoporosis can cause the loss of bone density in the jaw. Respiratory failure occurs when the bacteria from the mouth and throat can foster lung disease such as chronic obstructive disease. Periodontitis has caused both premature births and low birth weight in babies.</p>
<p>Periodontal disease has devastating outcomes which can weaken the body’s organs and lead to deadly sickness.</p>
<p><strong>If your gums are irritating you, call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 and schedule an appointment with Dr. Huber today!</strong></p>
Friday, September 20, 2013
Things To Know About Root Canals
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fthings-to-know-about-root-canals&title=Things%20To%20Know%20About%20Root%20Canals"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>Root Canals and You</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Root Canal" height="300" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/iStock_000016906592XSmall-200x300.jpg" title="Boca Raton Root Canal" width="200" />If you have scheduled a <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-root-canal-specialist"><strong>root canal</strong></a> you may have serious trepidations and fears about what it involves and how painful it will be. Luckily, there are many inaccuracies and rumors about what a root canal involves and this article will provide some things that you should know about having a root canal done.</p>
<p><span>What a <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-root-canal-specialist"><strong>root canal</strong></a> involves is the severing of a nerve in your tooth after the tooth has died or is in the process of dying. What typically happens is the following. The enamel on your tooth is eaten away due to poor brushing and plaque buildup. Once this enamel has disappeared, your tooth is exposed and the surface is slowly worn down by tooth decay. Eventually, the nerve is exposed once the tooth is eaten away. Once your nerve is exposed you will experience sharp tooth pain in your mouth that can be quite painful. It is then that a root canal is usually pursued by the individual suffering the tooth pain.</span></p>
<p><span>When a root canal is performed, the dentist will sever the nerve. Once the nerve is severed you will feel no pain in the tooth as the nerve is the pain sensor and is now dead. As a result, you will experience more pain in your tooth before you have a root canal than while the procedure is going on. As you will have a local sedative during the process, a root canal is a relatively painless procedure. The negative stigma associated with a root canal is associated with years past, before anesthetics were available for use and the procedure was quite painful as you could imagine.</span></p>
<p><span>Once the nerve is severed the hole is filled and a cap is put on the tooth. This cap prevents further tooth rot and protects your tooth from substances entering your tooth and leading to other plaque build up. When a root canal is performed, you will often have a follow up procedure to make sure the tooth is well-protected and that you aren’t experiencing pain. Since a root canal is a routine procedure there are some dentists who specialize solely on this procedure.</span></p>
<p><strong>Need to have a root canal done? Call Reserve Dental Group at 561-852-7773 and schedule a free Consultation with Dr. Huber today!</strong></p>
<h1>Root Canals and You</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Root Canal" height="300" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/iStock_000016906592XSmall-200x300.jpg" title="Boca Raton Root Canal" width="200" />If you have scheduled a <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-root-canal-specialist"><strong>root canal</strong></a> you may have serious trepidations and fears about what it involves and how painful it will be. Luckily, there are many inaccuracies and rumors about what a root canal involves and this article will provide some things that you should know about having a root canal done.</p>
<p><span>What a <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-root-canal-specialist"><strong>root canal</strong></a> involves is the severing of a nerve in your tooth after the tooth has died or is in the process of dying. What typically happens is the following. The enamel on your tooth is eaten away due to poor brushing and plaque buildup. Once this enamel has disappeared, your tooth is exposed and the surface is slowly worn down by tooth decay. Eventually, the nerve is exposed once the tooth is eaten away. Once your nerve is exposed you will experience sharp tooth pain in your mouth that can be quite painful. It is then that a root canal is usually pursued by the individual suffering the tooth pain.</span></p>
<p><span>When a root canal is performed, the dentist will sever the nerve. Once the nerve is severed you will feel no pain in the tooth as the nerve is the pain sensor and is now dead. As a result, you will experience more pain in your tooth before you have a root canal than while the procedure is going on. As you will have a local sedative during the process, a root canal is a relatively painless procedure. The negative stigma associated with a root canal is associated with years past, before anesthetics were available for use and the procedure was quite painful as you could imagine.</span></p>
<p><span>Once the nerve is severed the hole is filled and a cap is put on the tooth. This cap prevents further tooth rot and protects your tooth from substances entering your tooth and leading to other plaque build up. When a root canal is performed, you will often have a follow up procedure to make sure the tooth is well-protected and that you aren’t experiencing pain. Since a root canal is a routine procedure there are some dentists who specialize solely on this procedure.</span></p>
<p><strong>Need to have a root canal done? Call Reserve Dental Group at 561-852-7773 and schedule a free Consultation with Dr. Huber today!</strong></p>
Friday, September 13, 2013
Foods To Avoid If You Want To Keep Your Smile Pearly White
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Ffoods-to-avoid-if-you-want-to-keep-your-smile-pearly-white&title=Foods%20To%20Avoid%20If%20You%20Want%20To%20Keep%20Your%20Smile%20Pearly%20White"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>Want to keep your beautiful smile?</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Teeth Whitening" height="300" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/iStock_000016384282XSmall-200x300.jpg" title="Boca Raton Teeth Whitening" width="200" />When it comes to <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong>keeping your teeth pearly white</strong></a> there are some things that should be avoided. There are lots of foods that taste great, but some of these foods are not great for your teeth. The following presents some of the common foods that should be avoided.</p>
<p>One obvious thing is the different sugary candies that are on the market. Many of these candy bars taste great and provide instant gratification. The problem is that all of these different candies will usually lead to cavities. Some candy actually has teeth staining coloring agents.</p>
<p>People will also want to avoid berries even though many of these berries are delicious. These foods will definitely have some staining agents that can certainly affect the chances of having pearly white teeth. Intensely colored foods will always have some type of effect on the color of the teeth in the long run. People that are into the dark juices made with berries or other types of pies with berries will have stains if they do not stay away from these foods.</p>
<p>There are also some foods like Ravioli and Lasagna that have thick sauces. These sauces will play a big part in staining teeth over the years. The various types of tomato and mozzarella sauces will certainly stain teeth. These deeply colored sauces have been known to have a large amount of tooth-staining agents. Individuals that have a regular diet that consists of these things will certainly have issues with keeping their teeth white. It may be difficult for people to resist the temptation of all these wonderful foods, but it is certainly necessary for those that want white teeth.</p>
<p>Another thing that people have to consider staying away from is beets. A lot people know about beets and the health benefits. What people may not know is that these beets will also have power to make stains. The juices from beets are primarily concentrated. This means that there is a lot of power to stain. All of these foods along with black coffee, red wine and green teas have the ability to stain.</p>
<p><strong>Interested in getting your old smile back? Call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 and get started today!</strong></p>
<h1>Want to keep your beautiful smile?</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Teeth Whitening" height="300" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/iStock_000016384282XSmall-200x300.jpg" title="Boca Raton Teeth Whitening" width="200" />When it comes to <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong>keeping your teeth pearly white</strong></a> there are some things that should be avoided. There are lots of foods that taste great, but some of these foods are not great for your teeth. The following presents some of the common foods that should be avoided.</p>
<p>One obvious thing is the different sugary candies that are on the market. Many of these candy bars taste great and provide instant gratification. The problem is that all of these different candies will usually lead to cavities. Some candy actually has teeth staining coloring agents.</p>
<p>People will also want to avoid berries even though many of these berries are delicious. These foods will definitely have some staining agents that can certainly affect the chances of having pearly white teeth. Intensely colored foods will always have some type of effect on the color of the teeth in the long run. People that are into the dark juices made with berries or other types of pies with berries will have stains if they do not stay away from these foods.</p>
<p>There are also some foods like Ravioli and Lasagna that have thick sauces. These sauces will play a big part in staining teeth over the years. The various types of tomato and mozzarella sauces will certainly stain teeth. These deeply colored sauces have been known to have a large amount of tooth-staining agents. Individuals that have a regular diet that consists of these things will certainly have issues with keeping their teeth white. It may be difficult for people to resist the temptation of all these wonderful foods, but it is certainly necessary for those that want white teeth.</p>
<p>Another thing that people have to consider staying away from is beets. A lot people know about beets and the health benefits. What people may not know is that these beets will also have power to make stains. The juices from beets are primarily concentrated. This means that there is a lot of power to stain. All of these foods along with black coffee, red wine and green teas have the ability to stain.</p>
<p><strong>Interested in getting your old smile back? Call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 and get started today!</strong></p>
Friday, September 6, 2013
Invisalign Braces and You
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Finvisalign-braces-and-you&title=Invisalign%20Braces%20and%20You"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>Benefits of Invisalign Braces</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Invisalign" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/iStock_000004494761XSmall-300x199.jpg" title="Boca Raton Invisalign" width="300" />Having beautiful, straight teeth has become a priority of many people. But there are health benefits that come along with having straight teeth. For example, straighter teeth are easier to care for, thereby it is easier to have good periodontal health. Not caring for teeth properly has been shown to lead to more serious ailments, such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke, just to name a few. Indeed, it is not just a matter of vanity to have straight teeth, but it is a matter of health, as well.</p>
<p><span>Traditional braces do straighten teeth, but the process is so daunting. If not cared for properly, traditional braces can also cause plaque buildup, tarter, and gingivitis. There are also many food restrictions that a patient must adhere to when he gets traditional braces. However, there is a better way to get straighter teeth. <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-invisalign"><strong>Invisalign</strong></a> braces offer straighter teeth without the hassle that comes with traditional braces.</span></p>
<p><span>Invisalign braces offer help for many different cases, including overbite, underbite, crowding, and spacing. It also costs almost the same as traditional braces. Unlike traditional braces, however, Invisalign braces allow the patient to take the plastic device out, thereby allowing him to brush and floss easily and more throughly. It consists of a smooth plastic, so it is not as irritating to the mouth as sharp wire. The patient does not have to worry about wearing unsightly wire, either. Because it is clear plastic, most people cannot even see that the patient has anything on his teeth at all. Getting Invisalign braces is ideal for the busy person because he only needs to come to the dentist’s office approximately every four to six weeks for a tighter brace.</span></p>
<p>Using Invisalign braces over traditional braces just makes more sense. They are cost effective and give the same results as traditional braces. Plus, there is no need to give up favorite foods, such as popcorn, chips, and candy. Indeed, Invisalign braces are ideal for any person at any age. <strong>If you’re looking into Invisalign braces, call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 and schedule a free consultation today!</strong></p>
<h1>Benefits of Invisalign Braces</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Invisalign" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/iStock_000004494761XSmall-300x199.jpg" title="Boca Raton Invisalign" width="300" />Having beautiful, straight teeth has become a priority of many people. But there are health benefits that come along with having straight teeth. For example, straighter teeth are easier to care for, thereby it is easier to have good periodontal health. Not caring for teeth properly has been shown to lead to more serious ailments, such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke, just to name a few. Indeed, it is not just a matter of vanity to have straight teeth, but it is a matter of health, as well.</p>
<p><span>Traditional braces do straighten teeth, but the process is so daunting. If not cared for properly, traditional braces can also cause plaque buildup, tarter, and gingivitis. There are also many food restrictions that a patient must adhere to when he gets traditional braces. However, there is a better way to get straighter teeth. <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-invisalign"><strong>Invisalign</strong></a> braces offer straighter teeth without the hassle that comes with traditional braces.</span></p>
<p><span>Invisalign braces offer help for many different cases, including overbite, underbite, crowding, and spacing. It also costs almost the same as traditional braces. Unlike traditional braces, however, Invisalign braces allow the patient to take the plastic device out, thereby allowing him to brush and floss easily and more throughly. It consists of a smooth plastic, so it is not as irritating to the mouth as sharp wire. The patient does not have to worry about wearing unsightly wire, either. Because it is clear plastic, most people cannot even see that the patient has anything on his teeth at all. Getting Invisalign braces is ideal for the busy person because he only needs to come to the dentist’s office approximately every four to six weeks for a tighter brace.</span></p>
<p>Using Invisalign braces over traditional braces just makes more sense. They are cost effective and give the same results as traditional braces. Plus, there is no need to give up favorite foods, such as popcorn, chips, and candy. Indeed, Invisalign braces are ideal for any person at any age. <strong>If you’re looking into Invisalign braces, call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 and schedule a free consultation today!</strong></p>
Friday, August 30, 2013
Advantages of A Professional Teeth Whitening
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fadvantages-of-a-professional-teeth-whitening&title=Advantages%20of%20A%20Professional%20Teeth%20Whitening"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>Thinking about getting your teeth whitened?</h1>
<p> </p><p>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Teeth Whitening" height="200" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Depositphotos_3293056_xs-300x200.jpg" title="Boca Raton Teeth Whitening" width="300" />There are many advantages to getting a professional <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong>teeth whitening.</strong></a> Everyone enjoys having a white and stunning-looking smile, and teeth whitening can help with that. Your teeth naturally stain from coffee, tobacco, and foods over time, so it is not a bad idea to consider getting a teeth whitening as you get older in age. There is no shame in doing so, since the procedure is one that is very popular today. A professional teeth whitening will allow you to make a good first impression on others and to get that job that you desire or that promotion you need in order to get that job.</p>
<p>The fact is, if you have stained and yellow teeth, then that puts you at a great disadvantage when it comes to employment opportunities or just in general social situations. A <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong>p</strong></a><strong><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening">r</a><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening">ofessional teeth whitening</a></strong> involves you being watched in order to make sure that you are able to get the quality of whitening that you desire to get in the first place. People are quick to judge your appearance, and your smile is one of the first things about you that they see, maybe even the very first.</p>
<p>With home teeth whitening kits, you are not going to get the same results that you will be able to get from receiving a professional teeth whitening treatment. Dentists are skilled at knowing how best to go about making your teeth whiter and can provide you with teeth that stay whiter longer than using a take home whitening kit could ever do for you. They are expensive, and are not very powerful. The quality of whitening that occurs when you use a home kit varies, even after performing the whole treatment correctly.</p>
<p>With competition for jobs so high today, it is a prime time for people to consider getting a professional teeth whitening done. It will help them be more successful at finding a job for themselves because they will look more presentable. Your confidence will increase too!</p>
<p><strong>Thinking about getting your teeth whitened? Call Reserve Dental Group, your Boca Raton teeth whitening experts today at (561) 852-7773 to schedule a free consultation for a professional teeth whitening.</strong></p>
<h1>Thinking about getting your teeth whitened?</h1>
<p> </p><p>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Teeth Whitening" height="200" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Depositphotos_3293056_xs-300x200.jpg" title="Boca Raton Teeth Whitening" width="300" />There are many advantages to getting a professional <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong>teeth whitening.</strong></a> Everyone enjoys having a white and stunning-looking smile, and teeth whitening can help with that. Your teeth naturally stain from coffee, tobacco, and foods over time, so it is not a bad idea to consider getting a teeth whitening as you get older in age. There is no shame in doing so, since the procedure is one that is very popular today. A professional teeth whitening will allow you to make a good first impression on others and to get that job that you desire or that promotion you need in order to get that job.</p>
<p>The fact is, if you have stained and yellow teeth, then that puts you at a great disadvantage when it comes to employment opportunities or just in general social situations. A <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong>p</strong></a><strong><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening">r</a><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening">ofessional teeth whitening</a></strong> involves you being watched in order to make sure that you are able to get the quality of whitening that you desire to get in the first place. People are quick to judge your appearance, and your smile is one of the first things about you that they see, maybe even the very first.</p>
<p>With home teeth whitening kits, you are not going to get the same results that you will be able to get from receiving a professional teeth whitening treatment. Dentists are skilled at knowing how best to go about making your teeth whiter and can provide you with teeth that stay whiter longer than using a take home whitening kit could ever do for you. They are expensive, and are not very powerful. The quality of whitening that occurs when you use a home kit varies, even after performing the whole treatment correctly.</p>
<p>With competition for jobs so high today, it is a prime time for people to consider getting a professional teeth whitening done. It will help them be more successful at finding a job for themselves because they will look more presentable. Your confidence will increase too!</p>
<p><strong>Thinking about getting your teeth whitened? Call Reserve Dental Group, your Boca Raton teeth whitening experts today at (561) 852-7773 to schedule a free consultation for a professional teeth whitening.</strong></p>
Friday, August 23, 2013
What Exactly Are Porcelain Veneers?
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fwhat-exactly-are-porcelain-veneers&title=What%20Exactly%20Are%20Porcelain%20Veneers%3F"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>Things to know about porcelain veneers</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Porcelain Veneers" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/boca-raton-dental-crowns.jpg" title="Boca Raton Porcelain Veneers" width="300" />Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin, custom-made tooth-colored restorations, designed to be bonded to your anterior (front) teeth, as a way to cover dental flaws such as brownish stains or unsightly gaps between the teeth. These beautifully crafted veneers can also be used to correct teeth that are worn down, chipped, broken, uneven, or misaligned. If you feel that <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-porcelain-veneers"><strong>porcelain veneers</strong></a> are right for you, there is generally a three-visit process that you must go through.</p>
<p>Initially, you will need to have a dental consultation, where you would discuss your dental concerns as well as the desired results you wish to achieve. You may need to have x-rays taken to determine if your teeth are healthy enough to be restored with veneers. Your dentist will compose a treatment plan for you, as well as answer any of your questions regarding the procedure and final costs.</p>
<p>On your second visit, your dentist will carefully remove a thin layer of tooth structure, which would be close to the thickness of the veneer (or veneers) to be applied. Since tooth preparation is minimal, sometimes little or anesthesia is required. Next, your dentist will take a mold of the prepared area, using a high quality impression material that would capture every precise detail of the preparations. After that, a shade guide will be held up to your mouth so that you and your dentist can pick out the perfect hue for your veneers. Your dental impression, along with your personalized shade and other important information will be sent off to a dental lab. It can take up to two weeks for the lab to deliver the veneers to your dental office.</p>
<p>On your final visit, your dentist will temporarily place the veneers over the previously prepared areas to examine the fit and shade. Once it’s determined that the fit and shade are perfect for you, the prepared area will then be cleaned, polished, and etched, prior to final cementation. Once the veneers are cemented into place, a special curing light will be held up to the veneers in order to activate the chemical process needed to harden the cement. Finally, your dentist will carefully remove any excess cement as well as make any necessary adjustments.</p>
<p>Your dentist may ask you to return in a few weeks to evaluate how your gums are responding to your newly-placed veneers. <strong>Need porcelain veneers in Boca Raton, FL? Contact Dr. Huber today at 561-852-7773.</strong></p>
<h1>Things to know about porcelain veneers</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Porcelain Veneers" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/boca-raton-dental-crowns.jpg" title="Boca Raton Porcelain Veneers" width="300" />Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin, custom-made tooth-colored restorations, designed to be bonded to your anterior (front) teeth, as a way to cover dental flaws such as brownish stains or unsightly gaps between the teeth. These beautifully crafted veneers can also be used to correct teeth that are worn down, chipped, broken, uneven, or misaligned. If you feel that <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-porcelain-veneers"><strong>porcelain veneers</strong></a> are right for you, there is generally a three-visit process that you must go through.</p>
<p>Initially, you will need to have a dental consultation, where you would discuss your dental concerns as well as the desired results you wish to achieve. You may need to have x-rays taken to determine if your teeth are healthy enough to be restored with veneers. Your dentist will compose a treatment plan for you, as well as answer any of your questions regarding the procedure and final costs.</p>
<p>On your second visit, your dentist will carefully remove a thin layer of tooth structure, which would be close to the thickness of the veneer (or veneers) to be applied. Since tooth preparation is minimal, sometimes little or anesthesia is required. Next, your dentist will take a mold of the prepared area, using a high quality impression material that would capture every precise detail of the preparations. After that, a shade guide will be held up to your mouth so that you and your dentist can pick out the perfect hue for your veneers. Your dental impression, along with your personalized shade and other important information will be sent off to a dental lab. It can take up to two weeks for the lab to deliver the veneers to your dental office.</p>
<p>On your final visit, your dentist will temporarily place the veneers over the previously prepared areas to examine the fit and shade. Once it’s determined that the fit and shade are perfect for you, the prepared area will then be cleaned, polished, and etched, prior to final cementation. Once the veneers are cemented into place, a special curing light will be held up to the veneers in order to activate the chemical process needed to harden the cement. Finally, your dentist will carefully remove any excess cement as well as make any necessary adjustments.</p>
<p>Your dentist may ask you to return in a few weeks to evaluate how your gums are responding to your newly-placed veneers. <strong>Need porcelain veneers in Boca Raton, FL? Contact Dr. Huber today at 561-852-7773.</strong></p>
Friday, August 16, 2013
Why Cosmetic Dentistry is Worth It
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fwhy-cosmetic-dentistry-is-worth-it&title=Why%20Cosmetic%20Dentistry%20is%20Worth%20It"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>Thinking about cosmetic dentistry?</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Cosmetic Dentistry" height="200" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Depositphotos_8849506_xs-300x200.jpg" title="Boca Raton Cosmetic Dentistry" width="300" />People unfortunate enough to lose teeth can tell you why <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/cosmetic-dentistry-in-boca-raton"><strong>Cosmetic Dentistry is worth it.</strong></a> Teeth are important to many activities in life, your smile determines how people see you at a glance, while the ability to chew helps get nutrients into the body. Confidence is attached to the smile, making cosmetic dentistry worth it. Restoring a smile that gets out of sorts is important to anyone’s well-being.</p>
<p>Dentists whiten teeth; install implants in the gums, place crowns, bonding, veneers and shaping. Invisalign is very popular with people avoiding the look of conventional braces. Teeth become uneven or do not grow properly creating a problem when chewing or talking. <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/cosmetic-dentistry-in-boca-raton"><strong>Cosmetic Dentistry</strong></a> has always been popular with people seeking a career in the public limelight but it is an option for anyone interested in a healthy smile.</p>
<p>People use cosmetic surgery to restore or enhance their smile but cosmetic dental surgery is very important in maintaining healthy teeth. Teeth when in poor health can bring on illness or cause a person to become very shy. They will not smile and may avoid social gatherings all together because of a poor dental health. This is one reason why <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/cosmetic-dentistry-in-boca-raton"><strong>Cosmetic Dentistry is worth it.</strong></a></p>
<p>Cosmetic dental treatments cost different prices, depending upon the procedure and the amount of damage done to the mouth. There are varieties of procedures; orthodontic procedures realign teeth when they are crooked. Sometimes people grind their teeth when they are not aligned properly. Dentistry has become very sophisticated enabling a number of corrections to a persons smile, including replacing missing teeth through dental transplants or adding crowns.</p>
<p>Teeth are broken through accidents, pressured out of place, lost through tooth decay or gum problems. A qualified Dentist can correct any of these problems. There is no reason to have a damaged smile. Your teeth should enhance your features not take away from them. Insurance provided by jobs and payment plans by dental professionals allow everyone to have the smile they desire.</p>
<p><strong>Looking to have cosmetic dentistry done in the Boca Raton area? Call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 and schedule a consultation!</strong></p>
<h1>Thinking about cosmetic dentistry?</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Cosmetic Dentistry" height="200" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Depositphotos_8849506_xs-300x200.jpg" title="Boca Raton Cosmetic Dentistry" width="300" />People unfortunate enough to lose teeth can tell you why <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/cosmetic-dentistry-in-boca-raton"><strong>Cosmetic Dentistry is worth it.</strong></a> Teeth are important to many activities in life, your smile determines how people see you at a glance, while the ability to chew helps get nutrients into the body. Confidence is attached to the smile, making cosmetic dentistry worth it. Restoring a smile that gets out of sorts is important to anyone’s well-being.</p>
<p>Dentists whiten teeth; install implants in the gums, place crowns, bonding, veneers and shaping. Invisalign is very popular with people avoiding the look of conventional braces. Teeth become uneven or do not grow properly creating a problem when chewing or talking. <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/cosmetic-dentistry-in-boca-raton"><strong>Cosmetic Dentistry</strong></a> has always been popular with people seeking a career in the public limelight but it is an option for anyone interested in a healthy smile.</p>
<p>People use cosmetic surgery to restore or enhance their smile but cosmetic dental surgery is very important in maintaining healthy teeth. Teeth when in poor health can bring on illness or cause a person to become very shy. They will not smile and may avoid social gatherings all together because of a poor dental health. This is one reason why <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/cosmetic-dentistry-in-boca-raton"><strong>Cosmetic Dentistry is worth it.</strong></a></p>
<p>Cosmetic dental treatments cost different prices, depending upon the procedure and the amount of damage done to the mouth. There are varieties of procedures; orthodontic procedures realign teeth when they are crooked. Sometimes people grind their teeth when they are not aligned properly. Dentistry has become very sophisticated enabling a number of corrections to a persons smile, including replacing missing teeth through dental transplants or adding crowns.</p>
<p>Teeth are broken through accidents, pressured out of place, lost through tooth decay or gum problems. A qualified Dentist can correct any of these problems. There is no reason to have a damaged smile. Your teeth should enhance your features not take away from them. Insurance provided by jobs and payment plans by dental professionals allow everyone to have the smile they desire.</p>
<p><strong>Looking to have cosmetic dentistry done in the Boca Raton area? Call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 and schedule a consultation!</strong></p>
Friday, August 9, 2013
Root Canals: Not as Scary as You Think
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Froot-canals-not-as-scary-as-you-think&title=Root%20Canals%3A%20Not%20as%20Scary%20as%20You%20Think"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1><strong>Things To Know About Root Canals</strong></h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Root Canal" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Depositphotos_3224244_XS-300x199.jpg" title="Boca Raton Root Canal" width="300" />A root canal is something many people fear. Everyone, at one time or another has heard a horror story about root canals. A <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-root-canal-specialist"><strong>root canal</strong></a> is a dental procedure that is done when a tooth is damaged or badly decayed. A root canal may be the only way to save the tooth. There are certain signs that will tell you that you are in need of a root canal. The main sign is a severe toothache when you chew or you clench your jaw. Having sensitivity to hot and cold foods is another sign that a root canal may be necessary. If you notice a discoloration of the tooth or swelling and tenderness in the gums, you should see a dentist. If you notice a persistent pimple on the gums or one that goes away and returns, you may need a root canal. Sometimes you may have no symptoms at all. Your dentist may pick up on it during a routine cleaning.</p>
<p>A <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-root-canal-specialist"><strong>root canal</strong></a> is a fairly simple procedure. The nerve and pulp inside the damaged tooth are cleaned and sealed. If the tooth pulp is not removed, it can lead to serious problems. When the nerve or the pulp of the tooth is damaged, it begins to break down and bacteria begins to multiply. When this happens, an abscess can occur. An abscess is a sack filled with puss that forms at the end of the damaged tooth. If left untreated, an abscess can cause swelling that may spread to other areas other than the mouth such as the neck, face, or head. It is also possible to experience bone loss around the root.
If your dentist determines that you need a root canal, the first thing that he will do is take an x-ray. He will check to see the shape of the root canals to see if there is any infection in the bone. Although the nerve is dead and should have no feeling, the dentist will still use anesthesia in the area to put the patient at ease. The dentist will drill an access hole into the tooth. This will allow him to remove the decayed nerve tissue, the pulp and its bacteria, and any other debris on the tooth. A root canal file is used to scrape everything out. Your dentist will also use water to flush the debris from the tooth. Next, the dentist will seal up the hole. If there is any sign of infection, the dentist may have you wait a week. If it is a case of infection, he will put a medication inside the tooth to clear it up and use a temporary filling to seal it. After about a week, you will return to have the tooth permanently sealed. Once the tooth is sealed, it is very common for the dentist to put a crown over the damaged or decayed tooth. While root canals sound very scary, they are really not as bad as you think.</p>
<p><strong>Have a very bad toothache? You may need a root canal, call Reserve Dental Group at 561-852-7773 and schedule an appointment today!</strong></p>
<h1><strong>Things To Know About Root Canals</strong></h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Root Canal" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Depositphotos_3224244_XS-300x199.jpg" title="Boca Raton Root Canal" width="300" />A root canal is something many people fear. Everyone, at one time or another has heard a horror story about root canals. A <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-root-canal-specialist"><strong>root canal</strong></a> is a dental procedure that is done when a tooth is damaged or badly decayed. A root canal may be the only way to save the tooth. There are certain signs that will tell you that you are in need of a root canal. The main sign is a severe toothache when you chew or you clench your jaw. Having sensitivity to hot and cold foods is another sign that a root canal may be necessary. If you notice a discoloration of the tooth or swelling and tenderness in the gums, you should see a dentist. If you notice a persistent pimple on the gums or one that goes away and returns, you may need a root canal. Sometimes you may have no symptoms at all. Your dentist may pick up on it during a routine cleaning.</p>
<p>A <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-root-canal-specialist"><strong>root canal</strong></a> is a fairly simple procedure. The nerve and pulp inside the damaged tooth are cleaned and sealed. If the tooth pulp is not removed, it can lead to serious problems. When the nerve or the pulp of the tooth is damaged, it begins to break down and bacteria begins to multiply. When this happens, an abscess can occur. An abscess is a sack filled with puss that forms at the end of the damaged tooth. If left untreated, an abscess can cause swelling that may spread to other areas other than the mouth such as the neck, face, or head. It is also possible to experience bone loss around the root.
If your dentist determines that you need a root canal, the first thing that he will do is take an x-ray. He will check to see the shape of the root canals to see if there is any infection in the bone. Although the nerve is dead and should have no feeling, the dentist will still use anesthesia in the area to put the patient at ease. The dentist will drill an access hole into the tooth. This will allow him to remove the decayed nerve tissue, the pulp and its bacteria, and any other debris on the tooth. A root canal file is used to scrape everything out. Your dentist will also use water to flush the debris from the tooth. Next, the dentist will seal up the hole. If there is any sign of infection, the dentist may have you wait a week. If it is a case of infection, he will put a medication inside the tooth to clear it up and use a temporary filling to seal it. After about a week, you will return to have the tooth permanently sealed. Once the tooth is sealed, it is very common for the dentist to put a crown over the damaged or decayed tooth. While root canals sound very scary, they are really not as bad as you think.</p>
<p><strong>Have a very bad toothache? You may need a root canal, call Reserve Dental Group at 561-852-7773 and schedule an appointment today!</strong></p>
DIY Plumbing Projects You Are Better Off Leaving To A Professional Plumber
DIY projects to avoid and leave to a plumberIn an effort to be more self-suf ... http://p.ost.im/dG9Epw
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Benefits of Invisalign Braces
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fbenefits-of-invisalign-braces&title=Benefits%20of%20Invisalign%20Braces"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>Advantages of Invisalign Braces</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Invisalign" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/iStock_000004494761XSmall-300x199.jpg" width="300" />When considering orthodontia many people are put off by the idea of having braces for up to a year. Senior prom pictures concern many teens. Adults may not want to show braces for professional or personal reasons. Some fear the metal wires will be uncomfortable, cutting cheeks and gums.</p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-invisalign"><strong>Invisalign braces</strong></a> can solve a lot of these problems. Invisalign braces are clear plastic molds which slip over the teeth, are virtually invisible, and can be removed to eat, brush and floss. Or to have those senior pictures taken without a mouthful of metal orthodontia.</p>
<p>Invisalign braces are custom fitted to the shape of the wearer’s mouth and teeth. The plastic molds are worn for 20-22 hours per day. About every two weeks the molds are changed as the teeth shift into the correct positions. Invisalign braces are clear, letting the progress of the teeth show through, unlike metal braces that do not show how the teeth have shifted until they are removed.</p>
<p>Unlike traditional braces, <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-invisalign"><strong>Invisalign braces</strong></a> will not leave imprints on the teeth. They are more comfortable than other braces because they will not cut the cheeks and gums. They do not have to be tightened like traditional braces, which often causes headaches and jaw pain. Flossing and brushing are made easier by simply removing the plastic molds.</p>
<p>One of the greatest benefits of Invisalign braces is that the wearer can eat whatever they like, versus traditional braces where candy, gum, and sticky foods must be avoided in order to keep the brackets from being pulled loose from the teeth. There are no brackets to pull loose or metal bars to break and need emergency repair.</p>
<p>With Invisalign braces, visits to the orthodontist are required less frequently, usually every six weeks. This is very important when considering lost job or school time to visit every three weeks with regular braces. Finally, with Invisalign braces, teens are provided with up to six free replacement aligners if lost or broken.</p>
<p>For comfort, ease of care, and improved appearance without the stress of traditional braces, Invisalign braces are the clear choice. <strong>If you’re looking into Invisalign braces, call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 and schedule a free consultation!</strong></p>
<h1>Advantages of Invisalign Braces</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Invisalign" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/iStock_000004494761XSmall-300x199.jpg" width="300" />When considering orthodontia many people are put off by the idea of having braces for up to a year. Senior prom pictures concern many teens. Adults may not want to show braces for professional or personal reasons. Some fear the metal wires will be uncomfortable, cutting cheeks and gums.</p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-invisalign"><strong>Invisalign braces</strong></a> can solve a lot of these problems. Invisalign braces are clear plastic molds which slip over the teeth, are virtually invisible, and can be removed to eat, brush and floss. Or to have those senior pictures taken without a mouthful of metal orthodontia.</p>
<p>Invisalign braces are custom fitted to the shape of the wearer’s mouth and teeth. The plastic molds are worn for 20-22 hours per day. About every two weeks the molds are changed as the teeth shift into the correct positions. Invisalign braces are clear, letting the progress of the teeth show through, unlike metal braces that do not show how the teeth have shifted until they are removed.</p>
<p>Unlike traditional braces, <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-invisalign"><strong>Invisalign braces</strong></a> will not leave imprints on the teeth. They are more comfortable than other braces because they will not cut the cheeks and gums. They do not have to be tightened like traditional braces, which often causes headaches and jaw pain. Flossing and brushing are made easier by simply removing the plastic molds.</p>
<p>One of the greatest benefits of Invisalign braces is that the wearer can eat whatever they like, versus traditional braces where candy, gum, and sticky foods must be avoided in order to keep the brackets from being pulled loose from the teeth. There are no brackets to pull loose or metal bars to break and need emergency repair.</p>
<p>With Invisalign braces, visits to the orthodontist are required less frequently, usually every six weeks. This is very important when considering lost job or school time to visit every three weeks with regular braces. Finally, with Invisalign braces, teens are provided with up to six free replacement aligners if lost or broken.</p>
<p>For comfort, ease of care, and improved appearance without the stress of traditional braces, Invisalign braces are the clear choice. <strong>If you’re looking into Invisalign braces, call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 and schedule a free consultation!</strong></p>
Signs Your Water Heater Needs To Be Repaired
Is your water heater in need of maintenance?While many people dont think abo ... http://p.ost.im/dsvbJM
Thursday, July 25, 2013
How Periodontal Disease Affects You
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fhow-periodontal-disease-affects-you&title=How%20Periodontal%20Disease%20Affects%20You"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>Dealing with periodontal disease</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Periodontal Disease Treatment" height="200" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Depositphotos_8849506_xs-300x200.jpg" width="300" /><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>Periodontal disease</strong></a> is a series of ailments ranging from gum inflammation to serious tooth and bone loss. The following lists the stages of periodontal disease, the symptoms, and what can be done to prevent and treat these dental problems.</p>
<p>Gingivitis is general gum inflammation that usually precedes periodontitis. Gingivitis is the beginning of periodontal disease. Symptoms of this type of gum disease are swollen, tender gums that bleed easily. Gingivitis is usually reversible with good hygiene and proper dental care. Gingivitis that is left untreated can become periodontitis. Gums begin to separate from the teeth and form pockets where germs and bacteria can grow. At this point the teeth may become loose or hurt when chewing. Other symptoms include bad breath that doesn’t go away and receding gums.</p>
<p>There are several risk factors for developing periodontal disease. Smoking and certain medications can cause problems in the mouth. Certain diseases such as diabetes can put an individual at higher risk of developing gum disease. Some people are genetically predisposed to dental problems. Finally, people who don’t brush and floss on a regular basis or don’t regularly visit a dentist are more likely to have a buildup of plaque along the gums that leads to disease.</p>
<p>There are a variety of treatments for these problems. The first step is to establish a daily routine of brushing and flossing. The dentist may also recommend changing personal habits such as quitting smoking or better management of chronic diseases such as diabetes. The next step may be to deep clean the teeth. This involves what is called scaling. This is when all the tartar above and below the gum line is removed. A laser may be used to remove tartar and plaque along sensitive areas of the teeth. Antimicrobial mouthwashes and antibiotic gels may be prescribed. Finally, surgery may be necessary to address the problem. Bone and tissue grafts as well as flap surgery in the gums are options used to treat periodontal disease.</p>
<p><strong>Dealing with periodontal disease? Call Reserve Dental Group today at (561) 852-7773 and schedule an appointment today.</strong></p>
<h1>Dealing with periodontal disease</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Periodontal Disease Treatment" height="200" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Depositphotos_8849506_xs-300x200.jpg" width="300" /><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>Periodontal disease</strong></a> is a series of ailments ranging from gum inflammation to serious tooth and bone loss. The following lists the stages of periodontal disease, the symptoms, and what can be done to prevent and treat these dental problems.</p>
<p>Gingivitis is general gum inflammation that usually precedes periodontitis. Gingivitis is the beginning of periodontal disease. Symptoms of this type of gum disease are swollen, tender gums that bleed easily. Gingivitis is usually reversible with good hygiene and proper dental care. Gingivitis that is left untreated can become periodontitis. Gums begin to separate from the teeth and form pockets where germs and bacteria can grow. At this point the teeth may become loose or hurt when chewing. Other symptoms include bad breath that doesn’t go away and receding gums.</p>
<p>There are several risk factors for developing periodontal disease. Smoking and certain medications can cause problems in the mouth. Certain diseases such as diabetes can put an individual at higher risk of developing gum disease. Some people are genetically predisposed to dental problems. Finally, people who don’t brush and floss on a regular basis or don’t regularly visit a dentist are more likely to have a buildup of plaque along the gums that leads to disease.</p>
<p>There are a variety of treatments for these problems. The first step is to establish a daily routine of brushing and flossing. The dentist may also recommend changing personal habits such as quitting smoking or better management of chronic diseases such as diabetes. The next step may be to deep clean the teeth. This involves what is called scaling. This is when all the tartar above and below the gum line is removed. A laser may be used to remove tartar and plaque along sensitive areas of the teeth. Antimicrobial mouthwashes and antibiotic gels may be prescribed. Finally, surgery may be necessary to address the problem. Bone and tissue grafts as well as flap surgery in the gums are options used to treat periodontal disease.</p>
<p><strong>Dealing with periodontal disease? Call Reserve Dental Group today at (561) 852-7773 and schedule an appointment today.</strong></p>
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Things To Know About Porcelain Veneers
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fthings-to-know-about-porcelain-veneers&title=Things%20To%20Know%20About%20Porcelain%20Veneers"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>What are Porcelain Veneers?</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Porcelain Veneers" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/White-Teeth-300x199.jpg" width="300" /></p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-porcelain-veneers"><strong>Porcelain veneers</strong></a> are fine portions of porcelain that are utilized to reconstruct the actual appearance of teeth. They likewise present vigor and pliability that is similar to actual tooth enamel. For those who desire to make minor location changes, or to modify the form, dimension, and/or shade of their tooth, porcelain is the substance of choice.</p>
<p>The first step in deciding if veneers are the correct selection for you is consulting with an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry member dentist. Collaboration with your dentist concerning what you would like revised is vital in order to get a positive outcome. Be sure to distinctly pinpoint what cosmetic enhancements you wish to achieve.</p>
<p><span>At a consultation, your dentist will more than likely commence with what is known as a smile analysis. This will decide what phases are essential to attain the smile you want. Correspondingly, your dentist might generate an indicative mock-up that will permit you to observe exactly how your veneers and whichever additional practices you would like. This will help you to fine-tune the ultimate outcomes, if necessary. Cosmetic imaging, in which a photo of you with your new smile is presented, may also be offered by your dentist.</span></p>
<p>Determining that <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-porcelain-veneers"><strong>porcelain veneers</strong></a> will produce the appearance you desire is merely one phase of the procedure. There is far more to discover prior to continuing. Porcelain laminate veneers contain a assembling of numerous fine ceramic coatings which supersede the initial tooth enamel, and a glue coating. To put on a veneer, an extremely minor sum of the initial tooth enamel has to be detached, typically less than a millimeter. This is vital because it makes space for the porcelain veneer inside the mouth. It precisely reinstates innate tooth purpose while fashioning an even improved look than the initial tooth.</p>
<p><span>Before you decide on whether to get porcelain veneers, be sure to do your research. Do not hesitate to ask your dentist all and any questions you may have. An American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry member will be happy to help you achieve the beautiful smile you have always wanted.</span></p>
<p><strong><span>Looking for an experienced, responsible and knowledgeable dentist in Boca Raton, FL? Contact Dr. Huber today at 561-852-7773.</span></strong></p>
<h1>What are Porcelain Veneers?</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Porcelain Veneers" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/White-Teeth-300x199.jpg" width="300" /></p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-porcelain-veneers"><strong>Porcelain veneers</strong></a> are fine portions of porcelain that are utilized to reconstruct the actual appearance of teeth. They likewise present vigor and pliability that is similar to actual tooth enamel. For those who desire to make minor location changes, or to modify the form, dimension, and/or shade of their tooth, porcelain is the substance of choice.</p>
<p>The first step in deciding if veneers are the correct selection for you is consulting with an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry member dentist. Collaboration with your dentist concerning what you would like revised is vital in order to get a positive outcome. Be sure to distinctly pinpoint what cosmetic enhancements you wish to achieve.</p>
<p><span>At a consultation, your dentist will more than likely commence with what is known as a smile analysis. This will decide what phases are essential to attain the smile you want. Correspondingly, your dentist might generate an indicative mock-up that will permit you to observe exactly how your veneers and whichever additional practices you would like. This will help you to fine-tune the ultimate outcomes, if necessary. Cosmetic imaging, in which a photo of you with your new smile is presented, may also be offered by your dentist.</span></p>
<p>Determining that <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-porcelain-veneers"><strong>porcelain veneers</strong></a> will produce the appearance you desire is merely one phase of the procedure. There is far more to discover prior to continuing. Porcelain laminate veneers contain a assembling of numerous fine ceramic coatings which supersede the initial tooth enamel, and a glue coating. To put on a veneer, an extremely minor sum of the initial tooth enamel has to be detached, typically less than a millimeter. This is vital because it makes space for the porcelain veneer inside the mouth. It precisely reinstates innate tooth purpose while fashioning an even improved look than the initial tooth.</p>
<p><span>Before you decide on whether to get porcelain veneers, be sure to do your research. Do not hesitate to ask your dentist all and any questions you may have. An American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry member will be happy to help you achieve the beautiful smile you have always wanted.</span></p>
<p><strong><span>Looking for an experienced, responsible and knowledgeable dentist in Boca Raton, FL? Contact Dr. Huber today at 561-852-7773.</span></strong></p>
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Benefits Of A Water Softener System
Why you should consider getting a water softener systemA vast majority of ho ... http://p.ost.im/dpcxH2
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Reasons To Get A Garbage Disposal Unit For Your Middletown Home
Why you should consider getting a garbage disposalGarbage disposals have bec ... http://p.ost.im/dsR9Ty
Benefits Of A Professional Teeth Whitening
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fbenefits-of-a-professional-teeth-whitening&title=Benefits%20Of%20A%20Professional%20Teeth%20Whitening"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1><strong>Are your teeth pearly white?</strong></h1>
<p><span> </span></p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Teeth Whitening" height="200" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/iStock_000004494761XSmall-300x199.jpg" width="300" />The desire to have a healthy, bright and white smile is something many people want but can never seem to achieve by using over the counter products or even possibly harmful home concoctions. This is because teeth need to be treated with delicate hands and the right products to help protect the enamel and gums. One who desires one of those glowing and eye catching smiles truly needs to seek out <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong>professional teeth whitening</strong></a> by a professional who can ensure the process if done safely and the results are what you have been dreaming about.</p>
<p><span>A professional teeth whitening is a procedure where a trained and skilled dental professional applies products, utilizes laser technology or combines a combination approach to remove those surface and deep set stains that build up on teeth over time. Even those who are regimented in caring for their teeth may notice a yellowing or dulling of the teeth which comes from drinking coffee, eating foods that stain, drinking red wine, smoking or simply through the aging process or the use of prescription medication. There are a host of reasons that cause teeth to darken and become less white over both the short and long term.</span></p>
<p><span>A professional approach to dental care is common for every other dental need and thus it is logical and beneficial to use a professional teeth whitening service when you find yourself in need to a whiter smile. You want the best for your teeth and gums and that happens when you place your oral care in the hands of those who know best how to handle all types of dental issues. Tooth whitening is something that will bring your look a renewed sense of youth and have you smiling more than you have in many years as that whiter smile is just something you want to proudly put on display for the whole world to see and admire.</span></p>
<p><strong>Interested in getting your old smile back? Call Reserve Dental Group today at (561) 852-7773 to schedule a free consultation for professional teeth whitening.</strong></p>
<h1><strong>Are your teeth pearly white?</strong></h1>
<p><span> </span></p>
<p><img alt="Boca Raton Teeth Whitening" height="200" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/iStock_000004494761XSmall-300x199.jpg" width="300" />The desire to have a healthy, bright and white smile is something many people want but can never seem to achieve by using over the counter products or even possibly harmful home concoctions. This is because teeth need to be treated with delicate hands and the right products to help protect the enamel and gums. One who desires one of those glowing and eye catching smiles truly needs to seek out <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong>professional teeth whitening</strong></a> by a professional who can ensure the process if done safely and the results are what you have been dreaming about.</p>
<p><span>A professional teeth whitening is a procedure where a trained and skilled dental professional applies products, utilizes laser technology or combines a combination approach to remove those surface and deep set stains that build up on teeth over time. Even those who are regimented in caring for their teeth may notice a yellowing or dulling of the teeth which comes from drinking coffee, eating foods that stain, drinking red wine, smoking or simply through the aging process or the use of prescription medication. There are a host of reasons that cause teeth to darken and become less white over both the short and long term.</span></p>
<p><span>A professional approach to dental care is common for every other dental need and thus it is logical and beneficial to use a professional teeth whitening service when you find yourself in need to a whiter smile. You want the best for your teeth and gums and that happens when you place your oral care in the hands of those who know best how to handle all types of dental issues. Tooth whitening is something that will bring your look a renewed sense of youth and have you smiling more than you have in many years as that whiter smile is just something you want to proudly put on display for the whole world to see and admire.</span></p>
<p><strong>Interested in getting your old smile back? Call Reserve Dental Group today at (561) 852-7773 to schedule a free consultation for professional teeth whitening.</strong></p>
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Signs Your Sump Pump Needs To Be Replaced
Is Your Sump Pump Ready For Replacement?If you have a sump pump in your home ... http://p.ost.im/dgbbtu
What Are Invisalign Braces?
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fwhat-are-invisalign-braces&title=What%20Are%20Invisalign%20Braces%3F"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>The Most Important Details About Invisalign Braces</h1>
<p> </p><p>
<img alt="What Are Invisalign Braces?" height="172" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/img_invisalign_2-300x172.jpeg" width="300" />Having a great smile is important for people’s self esteem. Everyone loves having a great smile. It is the first thing people notice. But for people with misaligned teeth it can be more problematic and embarassing. But for many people the thought of wearing braces is uncomfortable because they are so noticeable. However, with today’s advancements in dental technology there has been a shift to less cumbersome and less noticeable braces. These are known as Invisalign braces. <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-invisalign"><strong>Invisalign Braces are clear braces that work to gently realign teeth without the use of the more traditional metal braces.</strong></a>
<p>The top reasons people opt not to get braces are; the lengthy time it takes for the braces to work, the cost of getting braces and the pronounced cosmetic shift that occurs when having braces. <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-invisalign"><strong>Traditional braces are very noticeable and can look and feel uncomfortable for people, this is true both physically and cosmetically.</strong></a> However, this is not the case with Invisalign Braces. These braces can be an important self esteem boost for people who already have insecurities over their smile. With Invisalign Braces, patients are able to wear braces that act as a cover over exsisting teeth, yet are virtually unnoticeable to the human eyes.</p>
<p>The process of Invisalign Braces is done in steps not unlike more traditional braces. Thr first step is to get an xray of the current misalignment. Once this is done, then an invisalign cast is made then the braces and crafted. The Invisalign braces are a clear cloating over the current teeth that work to gently realign teeth with gentle compression.</p>
<p>With each step of the way, the patient works extensively with their local dentist to ensure that the proper progress is being made. With the invisalign braces system, a patient receives a new set of invisalign braces known as an aligner, every two weeks based on how the teeth have shifted. Regular dental visits are an important step in the process which usually occurs every six weeks.</p>
<p>Adults who opt for Invisalign Braces, can expect their use of the Invisalign system to take approximately a year. With children and teens, the process is a little longer but is comparable to regular braces. Patients who opt for the Invisalign Braces system will find they will be wearing the aligner typically 20-22 hours a day for maximum benefit.</p><p>
<strong>Want to straighten your pearly whites without braces? Call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 to schedule a free consultation!</strong></p>
<h1>The Most Important Details About Invisalign Braces</h1>
<p> </p><p>
<img alt="What Are Invisalign Braces?" height="172" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/img_invisalign_2-300x172.jpeg" width="300" />Having a great smile is important for people’s self esteem. Everyone loves having a great smile. It is the first thing people notice. But for people with misaligned teeth it can be more problematic and embarassing. But for many people the thought of wearing braces is uncomfortable because they are so noticeable. However, with today’s advancements in dental technology there has been a shift to less cumbersome and less noticeable braces. These are known as Invisalign braces. <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-invisalign"><strong>Invisalign Braces are clear braces that work to gently realign teeth without the use of the more traditional metal braces.</strong></a>
<p>The top reasons people opt not to get braces are; the lengthy time it takes for the braces to work, the cost of getting braces and the pronounced cosmetic shift that occurs when having braces. <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-invisalign"><strong>Traditional braces are very noticeable and can look and feel uncomfortable for people, this is true both physically and cosmetically.</strong></a> However, this is not the case with Invisalign Braces. These braces can be an important self esteem boost for people who already have insecurities over their smile. With Invisalign Braces, patients are able to wear braces that act as a cover over exsisting teeth, yet are virtually unnoticeable to the human eyes.</p>
<p>The process of Invisalign Braces is done in steps not unlike more traditional braces. Thr first step is to get an xray of the current misalignment. Once this is done, then an invisalign cast is made then the braces and crafted. The Invisalign braces are a clear cloating over the current teeth that work to gently realign teeth with gentle compression.</p>
<p>With each step of the way, the patient works extensively with their local dentist to ensure that the proper progress is being made. With the invisalign braces system, a patient receives a new set of invisalign braces known as an aligner, every two weeks based on how the teeth have shifted. Regular dental visits are an important step in the process which usually occurs every six weeks.</p>
<p>Adults who opt for Invisalign Braces, can expect their use of the Invisalign system to take approximately a year. With children and teens, the process is a little longer but is comparable to regular braces. Patients who opt for the Invisalign Braces system will find they will be wearing the aligner typically 20-22 hours a day for maximum benefit.</p><p>
<strong>Want to straighten your pearly whites without braces? Call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 to schedule a free consultation!</strong></p>
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Dangers of Periodontal Disease
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fdangers-of-periodontal-disease&title=Dangers%20of%20Periodontal%20Disease"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>Things to know about periodontal disease</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Dangers of Periodontal Disease" height="300" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Depositphotos_5547441_XS-300x300.jpg" width="300" />Periodontal disease, an advanced form of gingivitis, is a serious infection of the gum and bones that surround the teeth. The human mouth contains bacteria naturally but when this bacteria becomes over abundant it forms plaque along teeth. Hardened plaque, or tartar, left on the teeth can become an irritant resulting in tender, red, and swollen gums.</p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>Periodontal disease is not just a simple irritation of the gums.</strong></a> Bacteria that accumulates and spreads through the gum line can cause many problems which is why this disease is associated with other dangers. On the milder side, these dangers include a persistent bad taste in the mouth or bad breath. It can also cause the gums to bleed when they are brushed. In more advanced cases of periodontal disease the gums begin to recede and pull away from the teeth creating pockets where debris and more bacteria can collect. These collections of bacteria lead to infection that trigger a response from the body’s immune system. Through trying to rid the body of the infection the gums and bones themselves are damaged. This can result in the loss of bone and tissue. <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>Left untreated, periodontal disease often results in loose and shifting teeth or tooth loss.</strong></a></p>
<p>Many adults do have some form of gum disease although most are mild. This can include gingivitis and other inflammations of the gums. There are contributing factors that can increase the likelihood of this developing into the more advanced periodontal disease. These include smoking, poor dental hygiene, certain medications, and hormone fluctuations. In some instances genetic susceptibility may determine why the gum disease progresses for some and not others. For most cases good oral hygiene including brushing, flossing, and regular professional cleaning by a dentist is enough to halt its progression. A deeper cleaning done under a general anesthetic may be performed as well. In the most advanced cases surgical procedures are necessary to stop bone and tissue loss. These more invasive techniques can typically be avoided by watching for warning signs of periodontal disease and maintaining good oral health.</p>
<p><strong>Are your gums irritating you? Call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Huber, your Boca Raton periodontal disease specialist.</strong></p>
<h1>Things to know about periodontal disease</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Dangers of Periodontal Disease" height="300" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Depositphotos_5547441_XS-300x300.jpg" width="300" />Periodontal disease, an advanced form of gingivitis, is a serious infection of the gum and bones that surround the teeth. The human mouth contains bacteria naturally but when this bacteria becomes over abundant it forms plaque along teeth. Hardened plaque, or tartar, left on the teeth can become an irritant resulting in tender, red, and swollen gums.</p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>Periodontal disease is not just a simple irritation of the gums.</strong></a> Bacteria that accumulates and spreads through the gum line can cause many problems which is why this disease is associated with other dangers. On the milder side, these dangers include a persistent bad taste in the mouth or bad breath. It can also cause the gums to bleed when they are brushed. In more advanced cases of periodontal disease the gums begin to recede and pull away from the teeth creating pockets where debris and more bacteria can collect. These collections of bacteria lead to infection that trigger a response from the body’s immune system. Through trying to rid the body of the infection the gums and bones themselves are damaged. This can result in the loss of bone and tissue. <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>Left untreated, periodontal disease often results in loose and shifting teeth or tooth loss.</strong></a></p>
<p>Many adults do have some form of gum disease although most are mild. This can include gingivitis and other inflammations of the gums. There are contributing factors that can increase the likelihood of this developing into the more advanced periodontal disease. These include smoking, poor dental hygiene, certain medications, and hormone fluctuations. In some instances genetic susceptibility may determine why the gum disease progresses for some and not others. For most cases good oral hygiene including brushing, flossing, and regular professional cleaning by a dentist is enough to halt its progression. A deeper cleaning done under a general anesthetic may be performed as well. In the most advanced cases surgical procedures are necessary to stop bone and tissue loss. These more invasive techniques can typically be avoided by watching for warning signs of periodontal disease and maintaining good oral health.</p>
<p><strong>Are your gums irritating you? Call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Huber, your Boca Raton periodontal disease specialist.</strong></p>
The Many Benefits of Summer Drain Cleaning
Is it time for a summer drain cleaning?Of all the problems that can occur i ... http://p.ost.im/dgNf2k
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Foods To Avoid If You Want To Keep Your Teeth Pearly White
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Ffoods-to-avoid-if-you-want-to-keep-your-teeth-pearly-white&title=Foods%20To%20Avoid%20If%20You%20Want%20To%20Keep%20Your%20Teeth%20Pearly%20White"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>Want To Keep Your Teeth Pearly White?</h1>
<p> </p><p>
<img alt="Want To Keep Your Teeth Pearly White?" height="200" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Depositphotos_3293056_xs-300x200.jpg" width="300" />There are several foods that can contribute to tooth discoloration. Much attention has been given to coffee, wine, and tea as key culprits of this problem, but several types of foods also play a part in creating a less than perfect smile.
<p>Fruits that are rich in anti-oxidants can cause discoloration. Berries rich in pigment can easily discolor teeth. Avoid blueberries, blackberries, cherries and other brightly colored fruits to keep your teeth pearly white. Also, avoiding pies, muffins, or other baked creations made from these fruits will prevent staining.</p>
<p>Candy and sweets with a high concentration of food dyes can discolor teeth. Popsicles and brightly-colored hard candies temporarily stain teeth and can decay enamel if eaten frequently. <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong>Proper teeth brushing ensures a return to pearly white teeth after eating these sweets.</strong></a></p>
<p>Certain sauces used to flavor foods can discolor teeth. Soy, tomato and curry sauces are rich in dark pigments and are able to easily discolor teeth. Using these sauces sparingly helps prevent discoloration and also prevents health problems related to sodium intake.</p>
<p>Vegetables rich in tannins can also discolor teeth, such as beets. Tannins are used as dyes and inks and react to proteins in the teeth which causes discoloration. Chocolate, cocoa, and nuts also contain tannins and may discolor teeth.</p>
<p>In addition to foods that need to be avoided, several beverages can discolor teeth. Coffee, wine, tea and sugary drinks can cause discoloring. Proper brushing after these beverages is necessary to avoid stained teeth.</p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong>Proper teeth brushing ensures that staining is temporary, and it is recommended that brushing a minimum of three times a day will keep teeth healthy and pearly white.</strong></a> Using a fluoride toothpaste with whitening agents will help remove stains and also prevent cavities. Whitening services are also available over-the-counter and at several dentist offices.</p><p>
<strong>Are your teeth as white as they can be? Is your smile radiant? It can be! Call Reserve Dental Group today at (561) 852-7773 and make an appointment with Dr. Huber.</strong></p>
<h1>Want To Keep Your Teeth Pearly White?</h1>
<p> </p><p>
<img alt="Want To Keep Your Teeth Pearly White?" height="200" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Depositphotos_3293056_xs-300x200.jpg" width="300" />There are several foods that can contribute to tooth discoloration. Much attention has been given to coffee, wine, and tea as key culprits of this problem, but several types of foods also play a part in creating a less than perfect smile.
<p>Fruits that are rich in anti-oxidants can cause discoloration. Berries rich in pigment can easily discolor teeth. Avoid blueberries, blackberries, cherries and other brightly colored fruits to keep your teeth pearly white. Also, avoiding pies, muffins, or other baked creations made from these fruits will prevent staining.</p>
<p>Candy and sweets with a high concentration of food dyes can discolor teeth. Popsicles and brightly-colored hard candies temporarily stain teeth and can decay enamel if eaten frequently. <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong>Proper teeth brushing ensures a return to pearly white teeth after eating these sweets.</strong></a></p>
<p>Certain sauces used to flavor foods can discolor teeth. Soy, tomato and curry sauces are rich in dark pigments and are able to easily discolor teeth. Using these sauces sparingly helps prevent discoloration and also prevents health problems related to sodium intake.</p>
<p>Vegetables rich in tannins can also discolor teeth, such as beets. Tannins are used as dyes and inks and react to proteins in the teeth which causes discoloration. Chocolate, cocoa, and nuts also contain tannins and may discolor teeth.</p>
<p>In addition to foods that need to be avoided, several beverages can discolor teeth. Coffee, wine, tea and sugary drinks can cause discoloring. Proper brushing after these beverages is necessary to avoid stained teeth.</p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong>Proper teeth brushing ensures that staining is temporary, and it is recommended that brushing a minimum of three times a day will keep teeth healthy and pearly white.</strong></a> Using a fluoride toothpaste with whitening agents will help remove stains and also prevent cavities. Whitening services are also available over-the-counter and at several dentist offices.</p><p>
<strong>Are your teeth as white as they can be? Is your smile radiant? It can be! Call Reserve Dental Group today at (561) 852-7773 and make an appointment with Dr. Huber.</strong></p>
Looking For A Plumber In Middletown?
Steps to Picking the Right Plumber in Middletown, CTIf you have recen ... http://p.ost.im/p/dbaTGT
Friday, June 7, 2013
Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fbenefits-of-cosmetic-dentistry&title=Benefits%20of%20Cosmetic%20Dentistry"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1><strong>Why Cosmetic Dentistry Is Worth It</strong></h1>
<p> </p><p>
<img alt="Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/iStock_000004494761XSmall-300x199.jpg" width="300" />Cosmetic dentistry is a dental procedure that is not necessarily medically needed, but important nonetheless. These procedures include: Teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental implants, dental bonding, dental bridges, teeth reshaping and contouring, dentures, fillings, crowns, caps, orthodontics, and gum surgery. For the most part, these procedures are done to provide a smile worth looking at. No one wants to smile when their teeth are yellow, full of cavities, or crooked. Cosmetic dentistry can help patients with their dental defects and help them achieve dental success, whether it is for appearance or for health.
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/cosmetic-dentistry-in-boca-raton"><strong>Cosmetic dentistry is beneficial in many ways.</strong></a> The obvious reason for cosmetic dentistry, with cosmetic being the key word, is your appearance. Having your teeth whitened makes you feel more confident when smiling at people. If for some reason your teeth had to be removed, dentures or dental implants would help replace them. Cosmetic dentistry can also improve the health of a patient. Gum disease and gingivitis have the ability to deteriorate your teeth and later in life they may fall out. Teeth can also be painful if you have cavities or exposed nerves. These types of issues would benefit from fillings or dental crowns. Crooked teeth that did not grow in properly would benefit from orthodontics. Braces or retainers will help straighten them out.</p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/cosmetic-dentistry-in-boca-raton"><strong>People like to look and feel good. That is why cosmetic dentistry is a great way to achieve both.</strong></a> Patients now have options compared to the earlier years or dentistry. Advanced technology has made it easier for patients to choose the types of procedures they may have to benefit their overall health and appearance. These cosmetic dental procedures can be done in as little as one visit. Depending on the type of cosmetic dental procedure, patients may need to may multiple visits to prepare their perfect dental appearance.</p><p>
<strong>Want to regain your beautiful smile? Call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 to schedule a consultation today!</strong></p>
<h1><strong>Why Cosmetic Dentistry Is Worth It</strong></h1>
<p> </p><p>
<img alt="Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/iStock_000004494761XSmall-300x199.jpg" width="300" />Cosmetic dentistry is a dental procedure that is not necessarily medically needed, but important nonetheless. These procedures include: Teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental implants, dental bonding, dental bridges, teeth reshaping and contouring, dentures, fillings, crowns, caps, orthodontics, and gum surgery. For the most part, these procedures are done to provide a smile worth looking at. No one wants to smile when their teeth are yellow, full of cavities, or crooked. Cosmetic dentistry can help patients with their dental defects and help them achieve dental success, whether it is for appearance or for health.
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/cosmetic-dentistry-in-boca-raton"><strong>Cosmetic dentistry is beneficial in many ways.</strong></a> The obvious reason for cosmetic dentistry, with cosmetic being the key word, is your appearance. Having your teeth whitened makes you feel more confident when smiling at people. If for some reason your teeth had to be removed, dentures or dental implants would help replace them. Cosmetic dentistry can also improve the health of a patient. Gum disease and gingivitis have the ability to deteriorate your teeth and later in life they may fall out. Teeth can also be painful if you have cavities or exposed nerves. These types of issues would benefit from fillings or dental crowns. Crooked teeth that did not grow in properly would benefit from orthodontics. Braces or retainers will help straighten them out.</p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/cosmetic-dentistry-in-boca-raton"><strong>People like to look and feel good. That is why cosmetic dentistry is a great way to achieve both.</strong></a> Patients now have options compared to the earlier years or dentistry. Advanced technology has made it easier for patients to choose the types of procedures they may have to benefit their overall health and appearance. These cosmetic dental procedures can be done in as little as one visit. Depending on the type of cosmetic dental procedure, patients may need to may multiple visits to prepare their perfect dental appearance.</p><p>
<strong>Want to regain your beautiful smile? Call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 to schedule a consultation today!</strong></p>
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Are You Ready To Deal With A Plumbing Emergency In Middletown?
Steps To Take In Case Of A Plumbing Emergency In MiddletownEach of us ... http://p.ost.im/p/dqq7A3
Friday, May 24, 2013
What Are Dental Implants?
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fwhat-are-dental-implants&title=What%20Are%20Dental%20Implants%3F"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>What to know about dental implants</h1>
<p> </p><p>
<img alt="What Are Dental Implants?" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/iStock_000009388647XSmall-300x199.jpg" width="300" />If you have lost a tooth due to a traumatic accident or simple periodontal disease, then you might want to think about replacing the hole in your mouth with a dental implant. Many times a tooth is lost following an accident requiring a dental implant to be used in its place. Other times, a patient must extract a tooth because the decay has overtaken the root and there is no possible way to save it. In either scenario a dental implant is one excellent solution that is both cosmetically pleasing and practically solvent.
<p>It is not wise to leave an open gap in one’s mouth, even if it is near the back because eventually the teeth will start to slide leading to more problems with neighboring teeth. Over time, the bone that is left behind in the jaw will also weaken leading to more problems with neighboring teeth. Therefore, something should be done to add support to the jaw bone while offering additional support for chewing.</p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-dental-implants"><strong>Dental implants</strong></a> are artificial teeth roots that can be screwed into the jaw bone in order to hold a replacement tooth. Sometimes when more than one tooth is missing a dental bridge will be placed to hold the space of several teeth. Most dental implants are placed directly into the bone via the use of a cylinder, screw, or blade that is placed into the jawbone. Once the wound has healed then an implant that holds the prosthetic teeth or tooth can be screwed into place.</p>
<p>Sometimes patients that do not have enough bone remaining or those that have problems with dentures will choose to get subperisotal dental implants which are implants that are placed on the bone and along the top of the jaw. These require a metal framework and are more noticeable than regular endosteal dental implants but are also an effective way to restore a patient’s bite.</p><p>
<strong><strong>Missing teeth? Need to get dental implants? Call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 today for a free consultation so that you may know more about dental implants!</strong></strong></p>
<h1>What to know about dental implants</h1>
<p> </p><p>
<img alt="What Are Dental Implants?" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/iStock_000009388647XSmall-300x199.jpg" width="300" />If you have lost a tooth due to a traumatic accident or simple periodontal disease, then you might want to think about replacing the hole in your mouth with a dental implant. Many times a tooth is lost following an accident requiring a dental implant to be used in its place. Other times, a patient must extract a tooth because the decay has overtaken the root and there is no possible way to save it. In either scenario a dental implant is one excellent solution that is both cosmetically pleasing and practically solvent.
<p>It is not wise to leave an open gap in one’s mouth, even if it is near the back because eventually the teeth will start to slide leading to more problems with neighboring teeth. Over time, the bone that is left behind in the jaw will also weaken leading to more problems with neighboring teeth. Therefore, something should be done to add support to the jaw bone while offering additional support for chewing.</p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-dental-implants"><strong>Dental implants</strong></a> are artificial teeth roots that can be screwed into the jaw bone in order to hold a replacement tooth. Sometimes when more than one tooth is missing a dental bridge will be placed to hold the space of several teeth. Most dental implants are placed directly into the bone via the use of a cylinder, screw, or blade that is placed into the jawbone. Once the wound has healed then an implant that holds the prosthetic teeth or tooth can be screwed into place.</p>
<p>Sometimes patients that do not have enough bone remaining or those that have problems with dentures will choose to get subperisotal dental implants which are implants that are placed on the bone and along the top of the jaw. These require a metal framework and are more noticeable than regular endosteal dental implants but are also an effective way to restore a patient’s bite.</p><p>
<strong><strong>Missing teeth? Need to get dental implants? Call Reserve Dental Group at (561) 852-7773 today for a free consultation so that you may know more about dental implants!</strong></strong></p>
Friday, May 17, 2013
What is Periodontal Disease?
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fwhat-is-periodontal-disease&title=What%20is%20Periodontal%20Disease%3F"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>Things to know about Periodontal Disease</h1>
<p> </p><p>
<img alt="Things to know about Periodontal Disease" height="200" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Depositphotos_3224244_XS-300x199.jpg" width="300" />Examining the etymology of the word “periodontal” reveals a succinct clue to the question: “What is periodontal disease?” The prefix “perio” means “around something,” and the suffix “odontal” pertains to teeth. Since we know the word “disease,” one can surmise that a dentist telling a patient that they have periodontal disease will not be news received happily. Being cognizant of what causes the disease and practicing good oral hygiene can prevent periodontal disease from occurring.
Determining whether one has periodontal disease is best left to a dentist. Though a telltale sign is bleeding gums while brushing or flossing, <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>periodontal disease</strong></a> is not the only thing that can cause bleeding. Medicines such as dilantin, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums, which can be, in fact, an early sign of periodontal disease), or even brushing too hard can create bleeding.
If a dentist determines that periodontal disease is indeed the culprit, they will probably ask if the patient had some early signs such as swollen and/or bleeding gums. They will ask this because if the patient was experiencing these symptoms, there is the strong possibility that the gums are already infected with bacteria. This is an important determination because if it is not immediately treated, the disease can spread to other tissues in the body. The path that periodontal disease follows is a relatively easy one to curtail. Regular visits to the dentist play a huge part in prevention. A dentist will scrap off the accumulation of plague before it travels beneath the gumline, creates a “pocket,” and eventually destroys the alveolar bone that holds in the teeth. This is just a “sound bite” version of what happens, but it puts into perspective how important regular dentist visits really are.
<a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>However frightening periodontal disease sounds, there are numerous ways to combat it.</strong></a> There is what is called “deep cleaning,” which entails using a laser to scrap off the plaque. There are also various medications that a patient can ingest. Finally, there is surgery. One such surgery is called “flap surgery” whereby the gums are peeled back so that the surgeon can remove the plaque build up. The other surgery includes bone and tissue grafts. These are all very sophisticated forms of surgery and it is best to get a second opinion on any decision made about treating periodontal disease.
<p><strong>Do you have Periodontal disease or Gum disease? Dr. Huber and the Reserve Dental Group specialize in Periodontal Treatment. Call now to schedule a Free Consultation with Dr. Huber at 561-852-7773.</strong></p>
<h1>Things to know about Periodontal Disease</h1>
<p> </p><p>
<img alt="Things to know about Periodontal Disease" height="200" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Depositphotos_3224244_XS-300x199.jpg" width="300" />Examining the etymology of the word “periodontal” reveals a succinct clue to the question: “What is periodontal disease?” The prefix “perio” means “around something,” and the suffix “odontal” pertains to teeth. Since we know the word “disease,” one can surmise that a dentist telling a patient that they have periodontal disease will not be news received happily. Being cognizant of what causes the disease and practicing good oral hygiene can prevent periodontal disease from occurring.
Determining whether one has periodontal disease is best left to a dentist. Though a telltale sign is bleeding gums while brushing or flossing, <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>periodontal disease</strong></a> is not the only thing that can cause bleeding. Medicines such as dilantin, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums, which can be, in fact, an early sign of periodontal disease), or even brushing too hard can create bleeding.
If a dentist determines that periodontal disease is indeed the culprit, they will probably ask if the patient had some early signs such as swollen and/or bleeding gums. They will ask this because if the patient was experiencing these symptoms, there is the strong possibility that the gums are already infected with bacteria. This is an important determination because if it is not immediately treated, the disease can spread to other tissues in the body. The path that periodontal disease follows is a relatively easy one to curtail. Regular visits to the dentist play a huge part in prevention. A dentist will scrap off the accumulation of plague before it travels beneath the gumline, creates a “pocket,” and eventually destroys the alveolar bone that holds in the teeth. This is just a “sound bite” version of what happens, but it puts into perspective how important regular dentist visits really are.
<a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment"><strong>However frightening periodontal disease sounds, there are numerous ways to combat it.</strong></a> There is what is called “deep cleaning,” which entails using a laser to scrap off the plaque. There are also various medications that a patient can ingest. Finally, there is surgery. One such surgery is called “flap surgery” whereby the gums are peeled back so that the surgeon can remove the plaque build up. The other surgery includes bone and tissue grafts. These are all very sophisticated forms of surgery and it is best to get a second opinion on any decision made about treating periodontal disease.
<p><strong>Do you have Periodontal disease or Gum disease? Dr. Huber and the Reserve Dental Group specialize in Periodontal Treatment. Call now to schedule a Free Consultation with Dr. Huber at 561-852-7773.</strong></p>
Thursday, May 9, 2013
What Exactly is A Root Canal Anyway?
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fwhat-exactly-is-a-root-canal-anyway&title=What%20Exactly%20is%20A%20Root%20Canal%20Anyway%3F"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>There’s no need to fear a root canal</h1>
<p> </p><p>
<img alt="What Exactly is A Root Canal Anyway?" height="300" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Depositphotos_7875428_XS-212x300.jpg" width="212" />You hear your friend talking about having an appointment for a root canal with a dentist and notice their anxiety. It’s a necessary procedure but it’s also one that dental patients fear. The phrase root canal evokes images of pain and complex dental work, but <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-root-canal-specialist"><strong>what is a root canal?</strong></a> Well, as mentioned, it’s an important dental procedure, and it guards a damaged tooth from a debilitating infection.A cracked or decayed tooth is a certain invitation for infection. The harmful bacteria seep down into the interior of the decayed tooth and into the pulp chamber. When the pulpy substance at the core of a tooth becomes infected, there’s a danger of the bacteria moving on to other teeth. Imagine a serious bacterial infection that needs treatment from antibiotics. It’s far simpler to proactively remove the pulp from the decayed tooth.
<p>It’s perhaps an unjust reputation that root canals have, but the procedure is complex. A pulpectomy is carried out by a qualified dentist, drilling into the tooth and removing the soft, pulpy tissue from the chamber at the center. Next, the nerve below the chamber is delicately drilled out. It’s a time consuming course of action, but necessary in order to keep teeth and gums free from attack. All of the nerve below the gum line, and all of the blood supply tissue for the tooth, is removed, leaving the tooth inert.</p>
<p>With the pulp and nerve removed, a dentist fills the vacated pulp chamber and root area with a special material. This filling is usually some form of latex polymer, but there are alternative techniques involving thermal treatment. It’s really down to the dentists discretion what filling is used.</p>
<p>The root canal is almost done and it’s time to place a crown over the work. An impression is expertly taken of the tooth, and the perfectly matched crown is cemented to the drilled tooth.</p>
<p>The biggest concern with undertaking a root canal is that of cleanliness. A decayed or abscessed tooth is a target for all kids of bacteria, so keeping the area clean throughout the procedure is essential.</p><p>
<p><strong>Are you looking for a Root Canal Specialist in the Boca Raton Area? Dr. Alfred Huber has been practicing general and cosmetic dentistry for over 20 years and is here to help. Call now to schedule a Free Consultation with Dr. Huber at 561-852-7773.</strong></p>
<h1>There’s no need to fear a root canal</h1>
<p> </p><p>
<img alt="What Exactly is A Root Canal Anyway?" height="300" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Depositphotos_7875428_XS-212x300.jpg" width="212" />You hear your friend talking about having an appointment for a root canal with a dentist and notice their anxiety. It’s a necessary procedure but it’s also one that dental patients fear. The phrase root canal evokes images of pain and complex dental work, but <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-root-canal-specialist"><strong>what is a root canal?</strong></a> Well, as mentioned, it’s an important dental procedure, and it guards a damaged tooth from a debilitating infection.A cracked or decayed tooth is a certain invitation for infection. The harmful bacteria seep down into the interior of the decayed tooth and into the pulp chamber. When the pulpy substance at the core of a tooth becomes infected, there’s a danger of the bacteria moving on to other teeth. Imagine a serious bacterial infection that needs treatment from antibiotics. It’s far simpler to proactively remove the pulp from the decayed tooth.
<p>It’s perhaps an unjust reputation that root canals have, but the procedure is complex. A pulpectomy is carried out by a qualified dentist, drilling into the tooth and removing the soft, pulpy tissue from the chamber at the center. Next, the nerve below the chamber is delicately drilled out. It’s a time consuming course of action, but necessary in order to keep teeth and gums free from attack. All of the nerve below the gum line, and all of the blood supply tissue for the tooth, is removed, leaving the tooth inert.</p>
<p>With the pulp and nerve removed, a dentist fills the vacated pulp chamber and root area with a special material. This filling is usually some form of latex polymer, but there are alternative techniques involving thermal treatment. It’s really down to the dentists discretion what filling is used.</p>
<p>The root canal is almost done and it’s time to place a crown over the work. An impression is expertly taken of the tooth, and the perfectly matched crown is cemented to the drilled tooth.</p>
<p>The biggest concern with undertaking a root canal is that of cleanliness. A decayed or abscessed tooth is a target for all kids of bacteria, so keeping the area clean throughout the procedure is essential.</p><p>
<p><strong>Are you looking for a Root Canal Specialist in the Boca Raton Area? Dr. Alfred Huber has been practicing general and cosmetic dentistry for over 20 years and is here to help. Call now to schedule a Free Consultation with Dr. Huber at 561-852-7773.</strong></p>
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Why You Should Consider a Professional Teeth Whitening
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fwhy-you-should-consider-a-professional-teeth-whitening&title=Why%20You%20Should%20Consider%20a%20Professional%20Teeth%20Whitening"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>Benefits of Having a Professional Teeth Whitening</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Benefits of Having a Professional Teeth Whitening" height="300" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/iStock_000016384282XSmall-200x300.jpg" width="200" />Everyone wants to have a beautiful smile and whiter teeth are one way to ensure that smiles remain beautiful. There are many <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong>benefits to having teeth whitened professionally</strong></a> including a younger appearance, increased self-confidence, a more attractive smile, and, of course, the process lasts longer and works better than any do it yourself, at home whitening treatments.</p>
<p>Whiter teeth help you appear younger because a whiter smile is not only associated with youth but it also helps to reduce the look of any wrinkles or age spots on the face. This is because whoever is looking at someone with a bright, white smile is more drawn to their teeth than to their skin or any potential blemishes. For this reason, it is also beneficial for those who suffer from acne.</p>
<p>Self-confidence is greatly improved when someone has their teeth professionally whitened. This is because it makes them feel more comfortable in their own skin and more excited to smile and show off their newly whitened teeth. A boost in self-confidence often leads people to accomplish certain things that they may not otherwise have tried which is a great reason to have teeth whitened.</p>
<p>A more attractive smile is a direct result of professional teeth whitening as well. A more attractive smile is something that almost everyone strives for and can help people land a job, get a date, and so many other things. While looks are not everything, a whiter smile when done by a professional makes a big difference in the lives of many.</p>
<p>Another reason to have teeth professionally whitened is that at home or do it yourself treatments rarely work for most people. They tend to be costly and sometimes even painful treatments that never produce the same results as having teeth whitened professionally. In order to get all the aforementioned benefits of teeth whitening, a professional is vitally important.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Thinking about getting your teeth whitened? Call our cosmetic dental practice today at (561) 852-7773 and schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Huber today!</strong></p>
<h1>Benefits of Having a Professional Teeth Whitening</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Benefits of Having a Professional Teeth Whitening" height="300" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/iStock_000016384282XSmall-200x300.jpg" width="200" />Everyone wants to have a beautiful smile and whiter teeth are one way to ensure that smiles remain beautiful. There are many <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong>benefits to having teeth whitened professionally</strong></a> including a younger appearance, increased self-confidence, a more attractive smile, and, of course, the process lasts longer and works better than any do it yourself, at home whitening treatments.</p>
<p>Whiter teeth help you appear younger because a whiter smile is not only associated with youth but it also helps to reduce the look of any wrinkles or age spots on the face. This is because whoever is looking at someone with a bright, white smile is more drawn to their teeth than to their skin or any potential blemishes. For this reason, it is also beneficial for those who suffer from acne.</p>
<p>Self-confidence is greatly improved when someone has their teeth professionally whitened. This is because it makes them feel more comfortable in their own skin and more excited to smile and show off their newly whitened teeth. A boost in self-confidence often leads people to accomplish certain things that they may not otherwise have tried which is a great reason to have teeth whitened.</p>
<p>A more attractive smile is a direct result of professional teeth whitening as well. A more attractive smile is something that almost everyone strives for and can help people land a job, get a date, and so many other things. While looks are not everything, a whiter smile when done by a professional makes a big difference in the lives of many.</p>
<p>Another reason to have teeth professionally whitened is that at home or do it yourself treatments rarely work for most people. They tend to be costly and sometimes even painful treatments that never produce the same results as having teeth whitened professionally. In order to get all the aforementioned benefits of teeth whitening, a professional is vitally important.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Thinking about getting your teeth whitened? Call our cosmetic dental practice today at (561) 852-7773 and schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Huber today!</strong></p>
Friday, April 26, 2013
Benefits of Having Invisalign Braces
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fbenefits-of-having-invisalign-braces&title=Benefits%20of%20Having%20Invisalign%20Braces"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<h1>Why you should consider Invisalign braces</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Benefits of Having Invisalign Braces" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/iStock_000004494761XSmall-300x199.jpg" width="300" />Many teenagers and adults require orthodontic treatment, yet do not want to wear braces for a variety of reasons. Invisalign allows patients to straighten and correct their teeth without the inconvenience and pain usually associated with wearing metal braces. There are many advantages to choosing these as your brace system.</p>
<p>One of the biggest <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-invisalign"><strong>benefits to having Invisalign</strong></a> is the fact it is virtually invisible. A frequent concern among adults and teenagers is that wearing traditional braces can interfere with their beautiful smile. Metallic braces are highly noticeable, whereas these are almost undetectable. Patients that use Invisalign can straighten problem teeth without the worry of looking less professional or unattractive.</p>
<p>The second benefit is that they are very convenient. Whenever you want to eat, floss or brush your teeth you can do so as the system is easy to remove. You’ll never have to worry about Invisalign getting in the way. Conventional braces require patients to change their dietary habits, giving up many foods that could damage metal brackets. Because the aligners are removable, users are able to eat anything they like. Also, they require less maintenance and fewer office appointments when compared to metal braces.</p>
<p>A third important feature is the fact that Invisalign aligners are comfortable. Every system is customized for each specific patient to ensure a proper and comfortable fit. They are made of a smoothly formed plastic that causes no discomfort. Most patients find them to be the most comfortable option as they don’t have to deal with sharp brackets or wires that can irritate the inside of the mouth. The Invisalign system slowly shifts the patient’s teeth back into their proper position. As teeth are moved in increments, users experience a minimum of soreness throughout the entire straightening process.</p>
<p>For anyone that is considering wearing braces, Invisalign offers the same benefits that conventional braces provide without the cosmetic hindrance. There are no metal contraptions necessary to change teeth positioning, making them a much preferred choice for orthodontic patients.</p>
<p><strong>Thinking about getting Invisalign? Call our cosmetic dental practice today at (561) 852-7773 and schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Huber today!</strong></p>
<h1>Why you should consider Invisalign braces</h1>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="Benefits of Having Invisalign Braces" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/iStock_000004494761XSmall-300x199.jpg" width="300" />Many teenagers and adults require orthodontic treatment, yet do not want to wear braces for a variety of reasons. Invisalign allows patients to straighten and correct their teeth without the inconvenience and pain usually associated with wearing metal braces. There are many advantages to choosing these as your brace system.</p>
<p>One of the biggest <a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-invisalign"><strong>benefits to having Invisalign</strong></a> is the fact it is virtually invisible. A frequent concern among adults and teenagers is that wearing traditional braces can interfere with their beautiful smile. Metallic braces are highly noticeable, whereas these are almost undetectable. Patients that use Invisalign can straighten problem teeth without the worry of looking less professional or unattractive.</p>
<p>The second benefit is that they are very convenient. Whenever you want to eat, floss or brush your teeth you can do so as the system is easy to remove. You’ll never have to worry about Invisalign getting in the way. Conventional braces require patients to change their dietary habits, giving up many foods that could damage metal brackets. Because the aligners are removable, users are able to eat anything they like. Also, they require less maintenance and fewer office appointments when compared to metal braces.</p>
<p>A third important feature is the fact that Invisalign aligners are comfortable. Every system is customized for each specific patient to ensure a proper and comfortable fit. They are made of a smoothly formed plastic that causes no discomfort. Most patients find them to be the most comfortable option as they don’t have to deal with sharp brackets or wires that can irritate the inside of the mouth. The Invisalign system slowly shifts the patient’s teeth back into their proper position. As teeth are moved in increments, users experience a minimum of soreness throughout the entire straightening process.</p>
<p>For anyone that is considering wearing braces, Invisalign offers the same benefits that conventional braces provide without the cosmetic hindrance. There are no metal contraptions necessary to change teeth positioning, making them a much preferred choice for orthodontic patients.</p>
<p><strong>Thinking about getting Invisalign? Call our cosmetic dental practice today at (561) 852-7773 and schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Huber today!</strong></p>
Friday, April 5, 2013
Over the counter teeth whitening vs Professional teeth whitening
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fover-the-counter-teeth-whitening-versus-professional-teeth-whitening&title=Over%20the%20counter%20teeth%20whitening%20vs%20Professional%20teeth%20whitening"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<p><img alt="" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/boca-raton-root-canal.jpg" title="Boca Raton Teeth Whitening" width="300" /><strong>Teeth whitening has exploded in popularity in the last few years</strong>. People of all ages love to have their teeth whitened at the dentist as it is a quick way to a nicer smile. Of course, other people want to enhance their smile from the comfort of their own home. There are benefits to home and over-the-counter whitening.</p>
<p>When going to the dentist, a patient will see results the same day. A patient can sit in the chair, and the dentist can brighten a patients teeth within a couple of hours. This method is effective as a dental office has all the necessary tools to whiten the teeth of a patient.</p>
<p>Without a doubt, when it comes to<a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong> teeth whitening</strong></a>, a procedure done in the office will be more effective. An experienced dentist will reach every tooth and will exercise caution to avoid causing pain or problems. A patient who values his or her time should consider going to their dental office to have their teeth whitened.</p>
<p>Many people prefer to whiten their teeth from the comfort of their home. With advances in whitening technology, a home kit is effective at whitening a person’s teeth but it takes considerably longer to see results.</p>
<p>With a kit, one can whiten their teeth as they see fit. Some people may want to whiten their front teeth more and avoid their back teeth while other people may want to only slightly whiten their teeth. With an at home kit, one has more options to whiten their teeth. There are many advantages to both methods. When going to the dentist, a patient will have the job done right the first time.</p>
<p><strong>Do you want everyone to notice your bright smile? Contact Reserve Dental Group today, we are your Boca Raton teeth whitening experts. Call us today to schedule an appointment at 561-852-7773.</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="" height="199" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/boca-raton-root-canal.jpg" title="Boca Raton Teeth Whitening" width="300" /><strong>Teeth whitening has exploded in popularity in the last few years</strong>. People of all ages love to have their teeth whitened at the dentist as it is a quick way to a nicer smile. Of course, other people want to enhance their smile from the comfort of their own home. There are benefits to home and over-the-counter whitening.</p>
<p>When going to the dentist, a patient will see results the same day. A patient can sit in the chair, and the dentist can brighten a patients teeth within a couple of hours. This method is effective as a dental office has all the necessary tools to whiten the teeth of a patient.</p>
<p>Without a doubt, when it comes to<a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-teeth-whitening"><strong> teeth whitening</strong></a>, a procedure done in the office will be more effective. An experienced dentist will reach every tooth and will exercise caution to avoid causing pain or problems. A patient who values his or her time should consider going to their dental office to have their teeth whitened.</p>
<p>Many people prefer to whiten their teeth from the comfort of their home. With advances in whitening technology, a home kit is effective at whitening a person’s teeth but it takes considerably longer to see results.</p>
<p>With a kit, one can whiten their teeth as they see fit. Some people may want to whiten their front teeth more and avoid their back teeth while other people may want to only slightly whiten their teeth. With an at home kit, one has more options to whiten their teeth. There are many advantages to both methods. When going to the dentist, a patient will have the job done right the first time.</p>
<p><strong>Do you want everyone to notice your bright smile? Contact Reserve Dental Group today, we are your Boca Raton teeth whitening experts. Call us today to schedule an appointment at 561-852-7773.</strong></p>
<p> </p>
Friday, March 8, 2013
We Often Do Not Think about Gum Disease until it’s Too Late, Don’t Fall Into The Same Trap!
<p><a href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save#url=http%3A%2F%2Freservedentalgroup.com%2Fwe-often-do-not-think-about-gum-disease-until-its-too-late-dont-fall-into-the-same-trap&title=We%20Often%20Do%20Not%20Think%20about%20Gum%20Disease%20until%20it%E2%80%99s%20Too%20Late%2C%20Don%E2%80%99t%20Fall%20Into%20The%20Same%20Trap%21"><img alt="Share" height="16" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/plugins/add-to-any/share_save_171_16.png" width="171" /></a></p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com"><img alt="With the proper help from local Boca Raton Periodontal expert, Reserve Dental Group, you can be clear of terrible gum disease for a long time. Call us today at (561) 852-7773 if you care weary about the health of your gums." height="243" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Depositphotos_1132811_xs-300x243.jpg" title="Gum Disease Boca Raton, FL | Periodontal Care | Gum Disease Treatment" width="300" /></a>The problem that many folks don’t realize about problems with the gum is that they are of the infectious type. This means that bacteria re responsible for the damages and whenever there are microorganisms involved, there is no natural quick fix. Periodontal experts can help ease the damages by applying certain restorative chemicals but the fight against gum disease is a long and hard-fought one. People must understand this in order to <span><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment">prevent gum disease</a></span> from affecting them.</p>
<p>Types of Gum Disease:
The most mild form of any gum disease includes gingivitis, which causes the gums to swell, bleed easily and become red in some cases. When gingivitis first begins to occur there is often no pain or discomfort and with proper dental and mouth care it is likely reversible and can be entirely treated.</p>
<p>A more severe gum disease that can happen from mild gingivitis is periodontitis. Over time, plaque in the mouth spreads below the gum line, which can cause bacteria to form and release inflammatory properties into the body. Over time, the body and immune system are weakened and the bone and various tooth tissues begin to destroy themselves after breaking down. If periodontitis is left untreated by the patient, it can lead to the separation of the gums from the teeth, causing permanent tooth damage and even loss.</p>
<p>Treating Gum Disease:
Only your preferred Boca Raton dentist can assure you of the proper actions to take as they will best understand the magnitude of your gums’ conditions. There are non-surgical options including cleaning root surfaces, removing plaque and root planing – then there are periodontal surgery options as well if the gum disease has progressed and is more severe.</p>
<p>Common types of surgeries available to help with treating periodontitis gum disease including dental crown lengthening, gum graft surgery, regenerative procedures and pocket reduction surgery. Dental implants and the use of lasers may also be options when treating gum disease, depending on what your dentist has advised based on your own case.</p>
<p>After you have treated any gum disease, developing healthy cleaning habits of the mouth, teeth and gums is essential to prevent any future issues you may encounter otherwise.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Be a step head in the battle against gum diseases. Your health and image are affected when you allow bacteria to eat away at your gums. With the proper help from local Boca Raton Periodontal expert, Reserve Dental Group, you can be clear of terrible gum disease for a long time. Call us today at (561) 852-7773 if you care weary about the health of your gums.</p>
<p><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com"><img alt="With the proper help from local Boca Raton Periodontal expert, Reserve Dental Group, you can be clear of terrible gum disease for a long time. Call us today at (561) 852-7773 if you care weary about the health of your gums." height="243" src="http://reservedentalgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Depositphotos_1132811_xs-300x243.jpg" title="Gum Disease Boca Raton, FL | Periodontal Care | Gum Disease Treatment" width="300" /></a>The problem that many folks don’t realize about problems with the gum is that they are of the infectious type. This means that bacteria re responsible for the damages and whenever there are microorganisms involved, there is no natural quick fix. Periodontal experts can help ease the damages by applying certain restorative chemicals but the fight against gum disease is a long and hard-fought one. People must understand this in order to <span><a href="http://reservedentalgroup.com/boca-raton-dentist-services/boca-raton-periodontal-treatment">prevent gum disease</a></span> from affecting them.</p>
<p>Types of Gum Disease:
The most mild form of any gum disease includes gingivitis, which causes the gums to swell, bleed easily and become red in some cases. When gingivitis first begins to occur there is often no pain or discomfort and with proper dental and mouth care it is likely reversible and can be entirely treated.</p>
<p>A more severe gum disease that can happen from mild gingivitis is periodontitis. Over time, plaque in the mouth spreads below the gum line, which can cause bacteria to form and release inflammatory properties into the body. Over time, the body and immune system are weakened and the bone and various tooth tissues begin to destroy themselves after breaking down. If periodontitis is left untreated by the patient, it can lead to the separation of the gums from the teeth, causing permanent tooth damage and even loss.</p>
<p>Treating Gum Disease:
Only your preferred Boca Raton dentist can assure you of the proper actions to take as they will best understand the magnitude of your gums’ conditions. There are non-surgical options including cleaning root surfaces, removing plaque and root planing – then there are periodontal surgery options as well if the gum disease has progressed and is more severe.</p>
<p>Common types of surgeries available to help with treating periodontitis gum disease including dental crown lengthening, gum graft surgery, regenerative procedures and pocket reduction surgery. Dental implants and the use of lasers may also be options when treating gum disease, depending on what your dentist has advised based on your own case.</p>
<p>After you have treated any gum disease, developing healthy cleaning habits of the mouth, teeth and gums is essential to prevent any future issues you may encounter otherwise.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Be a step head in the battle against gum diseases. Your health and image are affected when you allow bacteria to eat away at your gums. With the proper help from local Boca Raton Periodontal expert, Reserve Dental Group, you can be clear of terrible gum disease for a long time. Call us today at (561) 852-7773 if you care weary about the health of your gums.</p>
Monday, January 21, 2013
What are Porcelain Veneers?
A pronounced overbite may be a cause for embarrassment. These are just a few of the kinds of things that may be a source of trouble for someone. Less a perfect smile no longer has to be something that an individual cannot change. Cosmetic dentistry can give a person back his or her confidence and smile. Cosmetic dentistry can make all of the difference in the world. There are a number of options people can try to improve their appearance.
Cosmetic dentistry is quite different than it was a decade ago. Today, dentistry can do amazing things that can give anyone a beautiful smile. So many things that are considered imperfections can be changed.
Implants, whitening procedures, and gum lifts are some of the things that this type of dentistry can provide. The joy of seeing a less than perfect smile become radiant and beautiful is worth the effort.
Porcelain veneers are a procedure that restores straight, evenly spaced teeth. Charles Pincus invented them. They are not easy to stain, and they are perfect for correcting yellowing or dark teeth.
The first thing the dentist does is make a mold of each tooth that is going to be covered. The process can be totally non-invasive, and in most cases it is not necessary to receive shots.
Once the molds are completed they are attached to the individual’s permanent teeth with a very powerful adhesive. There are advantages to having this procedure done. A person’s teeth will take on an appearance that is healthier and more natural looking.
As stated before, they resist staining, and if they do stain, it is easy to remove the stain. A visit to the dentist for a cleaning is all that is required to eliminate the problem. Unlike cosmetic bonding, veneers are semi-transparent, and that helps give it that natural appearance.
Veneers are a great way to give a person back their smile. A person, who is not ashamed of their smile, shows it in their personality. They feel good about themselves and they are ready to take on the world.
Looking for an experienced Dentist in Boca Raton, FL? Contact Dr. Huber today at 561-852-7773.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Teeth Whitening Procedure
Teeth whitening attacks two types of stains. Extrinsic stains appear on the surface of the teeth and form from years of contact with foods, tobacco or syrupy liquids. Intrinsic stains are located inside and are caused by aging, trauma or certain minerals when the tooth was beginning to form. Both extrinsic and intrinsic stains can be removed.
Younger adults will have an easier time whitening their teeth and some will experience superior results. As a patient gets older, their teeth become more difficult to whiten. A yellow cast starts to form on many individuals teeth in their late twenties. By the time a person reaches the age of 50, a multitude of stains have been absorbed, and at that stage, it will be more difficult to whiten the teeth but it's definitely not impossible.
Teeth whitening can be performed in two separate ways. The in-office procedure requires a shorter amount of time for the color change to take place. It uses a peroxide gel that's placed on your teeth for 15 to 20 minutes. Three to four of these sessions are required to remove the gunk that's been built up over the years. Stubborn stains may take an extra session. It all depends on how stained your teeth are.
If you want to get your bright smile back, contact Reserve Dental to schedule and appointment today! Call us at 561-852-7773!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
What You Should Know About Bite Reclamation
The causes of such wear and tear can range between anything from acid reflux disorder, to grinding your teeth together, either awake or in your sleep. Depending on the cause and the individual, the type of treatment can differ. Since everyone is different, it's unlikely that any two patient's treatments will be exactly the same. This also depends solely on the doctor and what findings they come up with in their tests.
It may be necessary for some patients to have the reclamation done on both their top and lower jaw. An advantage to bite reclamation that may be seen as a bonus on the patient's part, is that correction of an improper bite can prevent unnecessary wrinkles from forming around the mouth.
The dentist should bring up just what costs there are to the patient's individual procedure. The pre-exam and following tests may vary significantly, depending on just how much work needs done. It may also not be done in a single sitting. It may be necessary for their dentist to request that the patient schedule for more than one visit, in order to fully complete their work on the bite reclamation. They should also take into account any other issues and possible alternative treatments.
If there are any pre-existing health concerns that the dentist may be unaware of, it's important to mention them before the procedure begins. All dental procedures are done with minimization of pain in mind. The mouth should be completely healed within a few weeks of the bite reclamation procedure, although any aftercare questions should be specified by the doctor themselves. Certain aftercare may differ depending on the specific procedure that was performed or may even require a pain prescription prescribed by the dentist.
We are very confident that we will leave you with great teeth in your mouth. We offer free consultations and we will even offer new patients a free second opinion. Call us today and schedule an appointment for your convenience by dialing (561) 852-7773, it will just take a minute. Walk-ins are also very welcome!
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